A Visit from Uncle Will & Aunt Natalie: Destressing with Gossip and Beer

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Hi Readers: Hope you guys are liking the story of late. And I really hope that you guys enjoy the Casey chapters, but I now have some ideas for some more Halstead chapters; and that's exactly what I plan on covering for you now,

Washington Park – Now this is exactly what the couple need at the moment, a visit from their family; but more specifically, family that they could rely on to (hopefully) not create any drama. This being in comparison to his father-in-law, whom they basically should really expect to create drama from the moment he walks into a room. But right now, they don't need to worry about that; and that's due to the fact that they have a set of reliable family members here whom they can trust not to create drama. And that's due to the fact that his brother has been going through this with him every step of the way, simply due to the fact that he always talks to him; and while Alex was pregnant with the twins, he was his go-to person to just have a talk to when he needed to. And that's exactly what Jay was hoping to do, as he hosted his brother and sister-in-law; that way, Natalie can take it easy with Alex...while he talks to his brother.

But first, he wanted to make sure that Alex and the kids were okay, which is exactly what Jay's in the midst of doing, as he walked in to his and Alex's room with some water for his wife. "Here, I got you some water." Turning her head, Alex smiled as she most certainly was happy that Jay just brought her some water. "I appreciate that." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, smiling due to the fact that this is exactly what he needs to do right now; he needs to take care of his wife, and he needs to make sure that they're both happy right now. "Hey, this is my job as your husband to take care of you." Alex agreed with her husband as he said that, before smiling as she watched him walk over to her; after which, Jay set her bottle of water down on her side table. "Thanks Jay." Jay then pointed to his lips, as he leaned over Alex; meanwhile, Alex put her hand on his face and smiled as she took things nice and slow with her husband.

That was, until they heard Natalie come out of the washroom. "Ok. You guys can break it up, I'm back now." However, that was the last thing that Jay and Alex did; as rather than break it up, they just kept kissing each other. Because that was what they wanted to do, they wanted to kiss each other and just take things slow with each other for a moment; but now, that moment is over due to the fact that Natalie just spoke to them again. "Jay and Alex, take a breath and relax." Sighing, Jay agreed with his sister-in-law as she said that; after which, he stood up and turned around so that he could look at her. "The kids are asleep, that means that we have a bit of time to kiss each other; so, I take whatever chance I can to kiss my wife." Alex smiled as she heard Jay say that, while looking up at him; at the same time, he moved his hand to the back of her head and proceeded to take things nice and slow with the woman he loves.

His soulmate, and the mother of his children. "I love you." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, before smiling at the most handsome and loving husband and father in the entire world. "Listen, go talk to your brother and just take it easy, okay Jay? I want to have a bit of girl time right now." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before smiling at her. After which, he got up and went ahead to leave the room so that he could go spend time with his brother like his wife told him to do. Meanwhile, Alex turned her head and smiled as she looked at Natalie. "I swear, I keep wondering whether I'm the one that's pregnant; or whether you're the one that's still pregnant." Alex snickered as she heard Natalie say that, well aware that she was talking about how hormonal she is with Jay at times. "I know, you're talking about how hormonal I am with Jay." Natalie agreed with Alex, as that was exactly what she was talking about.

After all, they are always all over each other. "You act like hormonal teenagers." Alex agreed with Natalie as she said that, as that most certainly is exactly how she acts; like a hormonal teenager, but there's a reason for that. "Well, you have to remember that this is really my first real relationship." Natalie was confused as she heard Alex say that. "What? No? Jay isn't your first boyfriend-turned-husband." Alex agreed with Natalie, as that's exactly what Jay is. He's her first boyfriend-turned husband. "Yes, that's exactly what he is. And that's due to the fact that I've never really been allowed to date anybody with my father being so overprotective, but Jay was able to just break him." Natalie agreed with Alex as she said that, glad that was the case. "God, I know what you mean; you should've seen Jeff's ex. She was protective of me and wasn't even my mother." Alex agreed with Natalie as she said that, smiling at her friend.

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