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Hello Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys are ready for some business today, as that's what I hope to get to for a bit today; especially since I haven't covered that in a while. But first, we need to get a bit of family time in. Well, not entirely. There's also a matter of the question that was posed at the end of the last chapter, which we'll cover here in this chapter.

Casey Living Room – He just finished getting one of his precious daughters after hearing them cry this morning. And let's just say that was the last thing that Matt Casey wants to hear when it comes to his daughters, due to the fact that it breaks his heart every time his children cry; a statement which is even more true when it's Bella who turns out to be the one crying. But right now, she was no longer crying due to the fact that she was being rocked by her father as he walked into the living room to see Camila there setting a bottle of milk down next to their breakfasts. "Thanks Camila." Turning her head as she heard her son-in-law thank her, she agreed with him as she was more than ready and willing to help in whatever way she can; especially when her granddaughter needs her parents' attention. "I was doing it so that this little girl here could get what she wants right now." Camila then proceeded to make her way over to Matt, looking at Bella; after which, she leaned in and kissed her head. "You ok mi amor?" Matt smiled as he heard Camila say that.

While at the same time, he rubbed her bottom as it was his way to soothe his daughter at the moment; his way to get her to calm down, while they both just took it easy and relaxed at the moment. But now that he was down here, he needed to ask his wife a question. "Hey babe?" Turning her head to look away from the TV show that she was watching, Gabby smiled at the sight of Matt holding their daughter in his strong arms. "Are you going to breastfeed this morning?" Surprised by that question, Camila turned to look at her daughter as well as she thought that she was done breastfeeding. "I thought that you already decided that you were done breastfeeding Gabby?" Gabby agreed with her mother as she said that, as that was something that she thought as well. "The truth is, I thought that I was as well. But I've come to realize, that I want to do it longer this time since I have the time to do so; with us being in the middle of a pandemic, I think that it will be beneficial to both me and the girls." Gabby then looked at Matt, smiling at him.

She then went ahead and answered his question when it came to breastfeeding, which she was not going to do right now due to the fact that she was already dressed for the meeting that they have today. "You can feed her Matt, as I'm already dressed for the meeting." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, while also making his way over to the couch so that he could sit down and feed Bella this morning; while at the same time, Camila turned to face her children. "So, you're breastfeeding the girls again?" Gabby sighed as she looked at her mom. "Mom, we haven't figured out all of the details yet; and I would rather not have to argue about this with my mother..." Moving to grab his wife's hand as he sat down next to her, Matt stroked it with his thumb as he could see that she was getting a bit agitated at the moment; which was the last thing that he wanted to have happen at the moment. Right now, he wants her to take it easy and relax. "Hey, breathe baby and take it easy. Everything's okay." Gabby agreed with Matt, taking a breath as asked.

Meanwhile, Matt turned to look at Camila (while continuing to hold Bella in his arms). "Camila, do you mind if we speak about this at a later time? Me and Gabby already have a lot on our minds ahead of our meeting today." Camila agreed with Matt, as that made sense; it made sense that he wanted to speak about this another time, due to the fact that it was clearly just stressing Gabby out when that wasn't something that she needed at the moment. If anything, she needs to take it easy and relax at the moment, which is something that her question most certainly did not allow her to do based on how she was acting after she posed her said question in contention. "Here Gabby, do you want to at least feed her with the bottle? I think that might help you relax, as doing stuff with the kids always helps you relax." Gabby agreed with Matt, as that was the truth; she then proceeded to grab Bella so that she could feed her this morning, while Matt gave her the bottle which she was going to use to feed her. "Here you go." Gabby agreed, grabbing the bottle.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now