Unpacking - Day 2, Part 3

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of that flashback? Do you think that it accurately portrayed that scene? Let me know in the comments. But now, I am going back to present time, and I am going to keep going with unpacking. Hope you enjoy dear readers.

She ended up taking longer than expected in Matt's office, which is why Gabby was so embarrassed as she made her way out of the office; while at the same time, she was making sure to cover up a bit. After all, she still had no idea whether Matt kissed her neck enough to leave a hickey, and that was the last thing that she wanted her mother-in-law to see. She didn't want her to see that she had a hickey, which he son gave to her. Yet that didn't mean that she couldn't tell that her shirt was everywhere, which can only mean that she got a bit frisky with her son. "Have fun?" Not paying attention, it was just then when Gabby realized that she was in the kitchen once more. "Sorry, what did you say Nancy?" Nancy snickered as she looked at her daughter-in-law. "I asked you if you had fun." Looking around, Gabby got a bit confused until she saw what Nancy saw. She saw the hickey on her neck. "Oh god..."

Nancy smiled at her daughter-in-law as she said that, clearly able to see that she was embarrassed at the moment. "Gabby take it easy and just breathe, I know that you love each other; and it makes complete sense that you guys would want to take advantage of any alone time that you can sneak in with each other." Taking a breath, Gabby shook her head. "Buy we aren't alone at the moment, we're with you." Nancy smiled as she heard Gabby say that. "Is everything okay with the both of you?" Gabby nodded. "We were just thinking back to a night we love." Nancy agreed. "Can I ask what night it was?" Gabby snickered. "The night we got engaged." Nancy smiled. "You mean when he proposed to you on top of the fire academy?" Gabby, thinking that her mother-in-law didn't know where he proposed; didn't really listen to what she said and went ahead and told her where her son proposed to her.

"It happened on top of the...."

And only then did she realize what her mother-in-law said, and that she knew where Matt proposed to her. "Wait, how did you know where he proposed to me?" Nancy snickered. "I heard the story once from either Matt or one of your friends, I forget which." Gabby agreed with Nancy as she said that, as that made sense. Of course, someone would share it at some point, she just wishes that they were the one that shared it; as they were the ones who had all of the details of that night. All of the sweet memories, including the very sexy memories of that night. "We uhm...didn't just reminisce over the normal details though." Nancy was confused as she heard Gabby say that, before realizing what she meant. "Oh..." Gabby snickered, agreeing with Nancy. "Yeah, we thought back to that night." Nancy agreed, well aware that she most certainly is not to ask about that night. "Yeah, not even going to bother asking."

Matt agreed with his mother as she said that, because that was something that he appreciated

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Matt agreed with his mother as she said that, because that was something that he appreciated. "I appreciate that mom." Turning around, Gabby was surprised as she heard her husband come out of his office as she thought that he was going to be staying in there for a while. "What are you doing out here? I thought you were staying in your office for a bit?" Matt snickered. "I decided that unpacking was more important, and I know that supper is going to be here soon." Walking past his wife, Matt went to put his hand on her butt and then squeezed it to make her jump. After which, he went ahead and whispered in her ear. "Plus, more time with my mom right now, means more time alone with you in the bath after. Or even in bed." Walking past his wife, Matt made his way over to the box that was on the counter; only to see that it was already empty. "You just finish this one mom?" Nancy agreed, as she just finished it.

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