Are You Still Thinking About That Day?

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Hi Readers: Once again, before we begin; I want to apologize for the long delay in between chapters. I ended up getting distracted today ahead of writing, trying to do other things that most certainly were not productive in my own life; nor are they productive to the story that I am trying to write. So, there may not be as many chapters as I would've hoped today; but I hope to remedy that tomorrow. But, I am not going to waste anymore time now that I am starting to write; so, let's get to it. Here we go with today's chapters.

"Were you working today to try and change your mind, because you're still thinking about what you saw at the office? When I went into labor?" -Gabriela Marie Casey

Now if that wasn't the million-dollar question, which most certainly was all that Gabby was thinking about now that she asked her husband that question; but at the same time, she knew that she had to ask him that question. It was the right thing to do as his wife, because she wants to make sure that he's okay; that will always be her first priority at the end of the day, regardless of whether she needs to recover in bed for a while or not. She just wished that it didn't take Matt forever to think about the answer to her question, as she was starting to get worried; but at the same time, she also understood. She understood why it would take so long to come up with an answer to that question, as it's a loaded question; a question that brings up a lot of emotions, and a lot of bad memories.

As well as a bunch of fear that was rushing through Matt's mind that day, as he was worried about a lot of things; the main one being whether he was going to loose her, not their daughters. Yes, you heard that right; he was more worried about loosing his wife, rather than loosing their daughters. And for him to have started the entire sequence of events being more worried about loosing Gabby, rather than about loosing their daughters; well, that was something that will always bother him, because he has regrets. And he has worries, as well as questions; questions that still run through his mind each and every day, simply due to the fact that he made a lot of decisions that day. Decisions that could've easily led to their marriage crumbling very easily based on a couple decisions.

He always goes back and replays the 'what ifs' of the day. What if he didn't tell the doctor to put Gabby first? Would they have prioritized the girls, and then put Gabby last? Would Gabby still be here with Gabby right now? After all, he did also tell her doctor that he doesn't care about the girls; he just cared that he had a wife at the end of the day, which was the truth. But that didn't mean that it wasn't hard to say, that he didn't care whether he had daughters at the end of the day; because he wanted to have the girls more than anything, as this is his dream life. It will always be his dream life, as he and Gabby now have the three most beautiful children in the entire world that they get to love for the rest of their lives; and they also get to love each other, for eternity and beyond.

But still, Matt knew that he couldn't hide what he did from Gabby; because that's not something that he can do as her husband, not when it was such a big decision that couldn't changed the course of history. He just hopes that she can forgive him for what he said, because he doesn't know what she's going to say. But one thing he does know, is that Gabby is starting to get a little impatient, which is why she just kissed his chest, and tried to get his attention. "Baby, you okay? You've been quiet ever since I asked you that question." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as he most certainly has been quiet every since she asked him the question that was still hanging over this entire conversation at the moment; and while he was going to answer it, he knew that he couldn't do it like this.

More specifically, he couldn't do it while Gabby was laying down on his chest; not when he needs to look at her, when he needs to look into her eyes, and he needs to be able to hold her close at the same time. "Gabby, I can't answer that question with you on my chest." Looking up at Matt as he said that, Gabby got worried. "Oh god, are you hurt baby? Is that why you aren't..." Looking at Gabby, Matt shook his head as that was not what he was talking about; but you already knew that, as you know why he can't answer her question while she's laying down on his chest. "No, I'm fine; I just feel like I want you laying down next to me, so that I can look into your eyes as we talk about this." Gabby agreed with her husband, because she could hear it in his voice; he was scared right now.

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