Was It Tense?

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Casey Backyard – They decided that they were going to share their tea that Matt just made for the both of them in the backyard, rather than go right back to their room after the conversation that Matt just had with Kelly; and let's just say that it was nice to finally be out here, rather than stuck in bed. And Matt now understands why Gabby wanted to be out here for a bit, as it was so that they could have a bit of distance from their children; something that they haven't had for a while, as they were always in the same room since the girls were born. "I have to say, I like the idea of us sitting back here for a bit." Turning her head as she heard Matt come out, Gabby smiled at the sight of her boxer-clad husband walking out with some tea for the both of them. "I like the idea too."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, while making his way over to her; after which, he held out her cup of tea out so that she could grab it (which she did right away). He then leaned over her, and smiled as he went ahead and kissed the woman he loves more than anything. "Welcome home." Gabby agreed with Matt as he welcomed her home, before smiling as she put her hand on his face. "I just wish it was under better circumstances, and much less stressful ones." Matt agreed with Gabby,, as he felt the same way; after which, he went ahead and sat down with the woman he loves. Wrapping his arm around Gabby as he sat down, Matt smiled as he really was happy right now; after all, this is exactly what he wants to be doing right now as they held each other nice and close.

However, he also knew that they were going to talk about the conversation that he just had with Kelly, along with the question that she asked him. "How about you ask me the question again? Then we can talk about it, as we drink our teas." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, before turning her head and looking up at the man she loves. "I'm happy to hear that you're open to talking about this." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as he most certainly is open to talking about it. "Why wouldn't I be open to talking about it? You're my wife Gabby, and I know that you're worried." Gabby agreed with Matt, as she took a breath and sighed. "Of course, I am baby. I know that your relationship with Severide is still strained, and I don't like that." Matt agreed, and just nodded.

After all, that was how his and Severide's relationship was; it was strained, and it was all thanks to Stella and what she did to them. "I don't regret straining our relationship one bit though, as his wife could've done a lot of damage to my life; a life that I am very proud to live with you Gabby, and that will never change." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, smiling at the same time as she went ahead and took a sip of her tea. "I'm glad that you made us tea, I need this to calm down." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "I thought that we could do it before we get in bed, and you fall asleep; because that's what you need Gabby, you need to sleep."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, well aware that she needs to sleep; and there's a reason for that, which is that she hasn't been getting the best of sleep recently. And we can already all guess why that would be the case, which would be stress. "We just have so much going on, and I think we both know that things are just going to get even more stressed as we continue building the company and raising our family." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was going to be the case; but at the same time, Gabby had to know that he would never put work ahead of her or their family. "Gabby, you already know this since I just said it; you and our family are my priority, not work. That will be the case for the rest of our lives." Turning her head, Gabby agreed with Matt.

After which, she took another sip of her tea as she cuddled up to him. "I do Matt, but I'm just glad that we're here instead of at the office during the pandemic; because this is where we need to be." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before turning her head and looking at Andy as he walked up to the edge of the pool; after which, he proceeded to jump in to get cool. "Are we going to let Andy in the pool?" Turning his head, Matt agreed. "He can get cool, but still be nearby. I already set it up with a geo fence around the entire yard, so that he can't leave it; if he tries, then he'll get shocked before he can run away." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling as she turned her head and smirked at her smart husband. "Finish your drink, then I want something." Matt was confused as he heard Gabby say that, but just did as he was told to do; after all, he didn't want to make his girl mad.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now