Nap Time, Sex Time, Fight Time

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Hi Readers: I know that I said that I would only post here every once and a while, and that you wouldn't get another update today; but I changed my mind, as I got an idea for a chapter. An idea that I couldn't keep from you guys, even though it's a short chapter.

Primary Suite, Halstead Home – To say that Alex was happy that the twins were now staying in their own room was an understatement, as she was thrilled to have her own room back; that way, she could do this with the man she loves. She could work out with him in their bedroom, and just have him all to herself; but this was no ordinary workout, because they were not using weights to work out right now. Rather, the only weight that they had to deal with right now was the sheets the covered their naked bodies; the bodies that they had their hands all over at the moment, as that was exactly what Jay and Alex wanted from each other at the moment. They wanted to be intimate with each other, and they wanted to enjoy this time that they were blessed with; time that involved them solely concentrating on each other, while also listening to the baby monitor (which Jay made sure to put on high). But still, Alex felt like she needed to take sure that the baby monitor was on high. "It's on high, right Jay?" Confused, Jay leaned back.

"What are you talking about?"

Taking a breath as she heard Jay wonder (out loud) what she was talking about, Alex proceeded to put her hand on his toned chest; after which, Jay put his hand on Alex's arm and smiled at her (while waiting for her answer). And answer that she gave promptly after her loving husband put his hand on her arm and tried to lean down and kiss her. "I'm talking about the baby monitor." Realizing that, Jay agreed with Alex as he didn't want her to worry about whether the baby monitor was on right now; as it was on, and it was currently in a place where he can hear it. "You have nothing to worry about when it comes to that Alex, as I have the baby monitor on high. And I can hear it loud and clear." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, glad that was the case. "Sorry, I should trust you; but I..." Moving his arms around Alex's back, Jay leaned down and proceeded to crash his lips into hers so that he could calm her down. "Okay, take a breath and just relax Alex; please, breathe for me." Alex agreed with her husband, before smiling as she breathed.

After which, she felt Jay run his hands all over her body (once more) as he bent down and kissed her again. "I love you Alex, and I mean it when I say that you have nothing to worry about. The baby monitor is on high, and I can hear it." Taking a breath, Alex looked down as she agreed with her husband; but Jay could just tell that there was something else that was going on in her head, something that she needed to talk to him about. "You need to talk to me?" Looking up at Jay as he asked her that, Alex bit her lip as she didn't want to interrupt what they were in the midst of doing. "No, I'm good." However, Jay could tell that Alex had something on her mind, which was the entire reason why he decided that he wasn't going to listen to what his wife just told him, and was instead going to roll over onto his back so that he could invite his gorgeous wife to lay down on his chest. And luckily, Alex got the message and did just that; just like he wanted and felt like she needed him to do right now. "Is this what you really want me to do right now?"

Laughing a bit as he felt Alex lay down on his chest, Jay smiled as he proceeded to grab the sheets; after which, he tugged them up on top of the both of them (while also wrapping his arm around her back). Meanwhile, Alex put her hand on his toned chest as she cuddled up to her incredible husband; and boy did she really get comfortable on his chest, especially as she felt Jay wrap his arm around her and start running his fingers through her hair. After which, he turned his head and kissed her forehead softly for a moment. "Okay, I hate that I am going to even do this..." Laughing a bit, Alex proceeded to lay her head down on Jay's shoulder; at the same time, she just got nice and comfortable on her loving husband's chest. "Let me guess, you want to talk about what happened with my dad?" Jay sighed as Alex asked him whether he wants to talk about what happened with her dad, as that was the truth; he wants to talk about what happened with Hank, as he doesn't want it to be hanging over the both of them for the rest of the holidays.

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