Riley Michael Miller

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Hi Readers: And welcome to a new day of chapters. I hope you guys liked yesterday's chapters and are ready for some more; and that starts with the couple that we ended last chapter with, as I don't think that I did them justice while only giving them half a chapter. Right? They need their own chapter to themselves, so that we can bring in some character development, which is definitely something that I need to get back to with some of these original couples that I have created, and everything that's going on with them. And I think that's exactly what I've done with all of our extra couples recently, as I have given you updates on Matt and Gabby (obviously), Jay and Alex, Ethan and April, and Mario and Bella. So now, I am going to keep going with the Miller Family. Hope you like them.

Home of Ryan & Sarah Miller, Waialae-Kahala – Walking back into his and Sarah's bedroom after bringing their plates to the kitchen, Ryan couldn't help but smile due to the fact that he just loves his life at the moment; well, maybe with the exception of the health situation that they find themselves in with COVID, especially since Sarah is currently pregnant with their child. But other than that, Ryan is really happy when it comes to the life that they're making with each other; and that's due to the fact that he and Sarah are currently in the midst of expecting their first child together, which is something that he's been waiting to hear ever since he and Sarah got married. And now, that's exactly the news that they got recently; he just hates that it came so shortly after they lost Riley. And that's why Ryan actually has a proposal when it comes to a name that he and Sarah can use for their future child.

"Riley Michael Miller"

Turning her head to look up at Ryan as she heard him say that, Sarah was a bait confused as she didn't understand why she said that name; and that was something that she went ahead and asked her loving husband, just what the hell he was talking about. "Okay, I am confused as to what you're talking about right now." Ryan agreed with Sarah as she said that, well aware that was the case. "I know, and I think that's why we need to talk right now; because I just thought of it, as I saw you looking at your pictures." Turning her head, Sarah took a breath as she looked at the picture that was currently on her iPad; because it was a picture of her and Riley, the dog that she used to treat as her baby. A baby that she lost far too soon. "Yeah, I guess that makes you worry." Ryan shook his head as he heard Sarah say that the was worried, because he most certainly was not worried; but rather, he was just a bit concerned.

"I wouldn't say that I'm worried, but I am a bit concerned as I think that we need to talk about it."

Sarah agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I think that we should, and I think that it's something that we've probably should've spoken about for a while." Ryan agreed with Sarah as she said that, because that's something that they do need to talk about. But first, he wants to sit with his wife and talk to her about something, which is exactly what Ryan is about to do, as he made his way over to their bed. After which, he sat down in front of his wife and looked at his wife. "Can I just say a quick thing first?" Sarah agreed with her husband, while watching as he grabbed her hand; after which, Ryan intertwined their fingers and smiled at the woman he loves. "Sarah, I'm your husband. I love you, and I want to support you in whatever you need; and that means that we can always talk, is that understood?" Sarah agreed with Ryan as he said that, smiling at the mans he loves.

After which, she watched as Ryan leaned over her and put his hand on her neck; he then proceeded to kiss the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world, Ryan smirked due to the fact that she's truly the most beautiful woman in the entire world. "I love you." Sarah agreed with Ryan as he said that, well aware that he loves her. "I love you too, and I am so glad that you're here to support me." Ryan shook his head as he heard Sarah say that, because that's not something that he wants to hear. "Sarah, it's my job to support you as your husband." Sarah agreed with Ryan as he said that, before smiling at the man she loves; after which, she opened the covers due to the fact that she wants her husband to get back in bed (and under the sheets) with her. And let's just say that's exactly what Ryan wants to do, he wants to get in bed with his wife; and he wants to cuddle up to her, as they hold each other close.

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