Jacobs Date Night

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of that nice flashback that I had? I hope you guys enjoyed it but are also ready for some more chapters related to Mario and Bella; as I have some ideas for them, and they take place at home now. This may mean that we don't go back to The Caseys for a while, even though they are the title couple. But still, I hope you like the chapters with the Jacobs today.

Primary Bathroom, Jacobs Condo – Bella and Mario got talking on their way home from the beach, just like they did at the beach; but about what you might ask? Well, that would be what they want to do tonight. Well, other than the fact that they want to make love to each other tonight and try for a baby. But while they were talking, Bella had an idea in her head; and she shared it with her husband, because it was something that she wanted. In fact, she told him that it was something that she wanted; and she was determined to get it, before they have sex with each other. And just what might that be? Well, before the Jacobs try for a baby tonight; Bella wants her husband to romance her and give her a really nice date. A date full of romance, and a really nice supper with each other. And the truth was, Mario was quite interested in that idea; because it would be something different, something different compared to how they have previously made love to each other. And that was why Bella wanted that, she wanted to try something different with the hopes of getting pregnant. Rather than them just heading to bed, which is what they normally do when they want to have a baby; they want to share some romance with each other and have a really romantic night. And that's something that Mario is more than ready to do, as he wants to make his wife feel extremely loved; because that's exactly how he feels about his wife, he loves and adores her more than anything in the entire world. But he only agreed to do it on one condition, that she wear some sexy lingerie for him.

But not just any type of lingerie, as she was instead going to wear some lingerie that she reserves for special nights like these; nights that they make love to each other, with the hopes of getting pregnant. And Bella can't wait to walk out of the bathroom when she's wearing it, because as soon as she does that she already knows what she's going to get; and that would be her loving husband's hands all over her body. And boy, was that always a nice feeling; the feeling of Mario's strong hands all over her body as he holds her in his arms. But that's not what they're doing yet, as Mario needs to do something first; and that would be to make them some supper, which is something else that she wanted. And that's due to the fact that Mario is such a good chef, especially when he makes her favorite meal for her; and on this night of romance, that's exactly what Mario is doing for her tonight. He's making her favorite pasta for her. Meanwhile, she's getting the perfect appetizer out for her husband and making sure that it looks absolutely perfect on her.

And that most certainly is exactly how the lingerie looks on Bella, but only Mario will be able to tell Bella that when he sees her for the first time, which Bella thought was going to take place in the kitchen, but that wasn't the case. Rather, her shirtless husband was in the midst of walking into the bathroom this evening.  "Hey babe? I forgot to ask. Did you want red or..." Looking up at his wife as he walked into the bathroom, Mario was shocked; after all, she looks incredibly sexy in what she was wearing right now. And he truly was blown away at what she was wearing for him today. It's just so damn sexy, and he loves it; and he's so damn turned on, because this truly is exactly what he wants to see his wife wearing right now. "Wow." Looking up at her husband in the mirror as she put some moisturizer on her body, Bella smirked as she knew that her husband really liked the sight of her wearing this lingerie. "I think I know what you want to do right now." Mario smirked, as he most certainly does want to do just that; that being holding his wife in his arms.

And that was exactly what he was about to do, as he set the bottles of wine down on the counter; after which, Mario looked at his beautiful bride as he put his hands on her sides. "Wow." Smiling as she heard Mario say that, Bella put her hands on his muscular chest. After which, she looked up at the man she loves; smirking, Bella proceeded to wrap her arms around Mario's neck as she got closer to him. Meanwhile, Mario moved his hands to her back and just stared into her gorgeous eyes; after which, he moved his hand to the side of her face and leaned in to kiss his beautiful wife softly. "I hope to god that this isn't just something that you plan on wearing under your clothes, because I'm not sure if I'm going to like that." Kissing his beautiful wife again, Mario smirked as he took things nice and slow with her; after which, he bent down and proceeded to kiss her neck softly. And boy did Bella love that feeling, because it's the best feeling in the entire world; especially when it also comes with a strong arm around her waist, Mario's arm.

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