Happy Birthday Daddy: Office Time, E-mail Time

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Matt's Home Office - Sitting down at his desk in his office, Matt took a breath as he proceeded to log into his laptop which was connected to the corporate servers; that way, he could work from anywhere in the home. But the truth was, he would much rather work here in his office when he needs to work due to the fact that it allows him to just relax and take it easy without having to worry about being disturbed by his children; not that he wouldn't mind if they disturbed him. He can already see it in the future, them wanting to come spend some time with him as he sits at his desk and just answers some e-mails. And he honestly believes that will happen someday, and not in the distant future but very soon. And that was something he believed as his sons where starting to become more mobile with the both of them crawling as they approach their first birthday. He wouldn't be surprised if they walk.

Oh, now that most certainly is something that they are going to need to look out for as it means that they're going to need to put out the baby gates that they've already purchased for the time when their little boys start to do just that. Move around the house independently, which will definitely make the both of them worry. But if there was one thing that didn't worry Matt, it was the fact that his company was in capable hands with his Assistant Deputy CEO for the Hawaii Office. And honestly, he has no idea just where he would be in the company when it came to how he does it with him. He truly is a great guy, and he is so lucky that he got to hire him to be part of his company. But right now, he needs to do something else; and that would be to provide him guidance when it comes to what he wants him to do with regards to the company, as he knows that he needs to let him know of his new plans now.

But first, he decided that he was going to read the e-mail that he already sent him today; the one that Rafael responded to in quite a bit of detail, which he actually appreciates due to the fact that it reduces the length of time that he needs to work here in the office. But right now, the length of time that he was spending in the office was not something that he was concerned about; rather it was the e-mail that he just received from Rafael, as well as just what he was going to write him back. And that was due to the fact that he knew that he couldn't just leave it be. He had to write something back, as he wanted to make sure that he and Rafael are always on the same page. And that started with his e-mail to him. Reading it, he then went ahead and proceeded to compare what he said to Rafael to what he said in return. And he also went to check for whatever discrepancies that Rafael may have gotten in his e-mail.

More specifically, he wanted to make sure that there wasn't any mixed messaging in between the e-mails that they exchanged with each other this afternoon. And that was why he felt like it was his duty to ensure that he was reading the e-mail that he got from Rafael much more closely than he first expected, while at the same time ensuring that Andy just relaxed next to him as he felt him rub against his legs. Looking down at him, Matt smiled as he rubbed the top of his head. "Lay down boy. Curl up at the endo f my feet and just lay down." Andy agreed with Matt as he said that, before proceeding to do just that for his patient; at the same time, Matt grabbed the bottle of water that he brought into his office and went to take a sip. And that was due to the fact that he was a bit thirsty at the moment, ahead of him writing an e-mail to Rafael. And for some reason, he had a feeling that it may be quite long.


From: Casey, Matthew
To: Solano, Rafael
CC: Dawson, Antonio; Casey, Gabriela
Subject: RE: Update on the Future of Casey

Hi Rafael:
Thank you so much for responding to me so quickly, as I love it when we can communicate to each other quite fast in times when we are talking about the company; especially during this new time where you are now my eyes and ears there in Hawaii. And speaking of there in Hawaii, I am glad that you and your family are safe; as I can unfortunately report that the same can't be said for my family, due to the fact that my nephew (Gabby's son Diego...I think you met him before) has COVID-19. However, we have a feeling that he is going to be okay at the end of the day; and we are going to just hope that nothing happens. Now, back to business as I give you some information on just what you said in your e-mail as I can just see that you have a lot of questions in there. Or at least, I saw some. First of all, I want to address the situation when it comes to my future here once more, as well as your role in the Hawaii Office.

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