Afternoon Cuddles with Noah

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Hi Readers: And welcome to your next daily update of The Caseys for June 16th. Now, I want to apologize for starting this so late; heck, I haven't even posted to my other story yet. So, I have decided to start with this one to make sure that I get an update out for you. Now, how about we do just that? And honestly, I think that you guys are going to love this update; let me know what you think.

She doesn't remember the last time that she did this. That she held her son in her arms and did this with him. Was it when he was a newborn? Or was it right before she got pregnant with the girls? Did she stop before that? Or did she go ahead and keep going for a while? There are so many questions that are currently going through Gabby Casey's mind right now, as she really can't remember she did this; breastfeed her baby boy, as she held him close to her chest. And god, was it a nice feeling. The feeling that only a mother can feel with her baby, as she bonds with them; even if it's almost eight months after giving birth to him, and a few days after giving birth to his sisters. But hey, it's what Noah needs right now; because it's making him feel better after that scare...where he wasn't breathing. And honestly, that was another reason why Gabby felt like she needed to do this right now; as she thought that she was going to loose him, but she's glad that she didn' she loves her Noah. She loves him more than anything, and she was so scared for a while.

And that was something that she was going to tell her son, just how scared she was; as she stared down into those gorgeous eyes of his and made sure that he knew just how much she loves him...and how everything was okay now, because he was here with mommy and daddy; where he needs to be right now, as she can see just how scared he is at the moment. "It's okay Noah, everything's okay. You're just going to spend some extra time with mommy and daddy. We just need to make sure that you're okay, as we stay here." Agreeing with his mother, Noah started to relax some more in her arms; the little boy feeling really happy that he was getting this, especially when he needs to be here. But not just due to the fact that it's where Gabby wants him to be, but due to the fact that it's where he needs to be; as he was just recently admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, or the PICU. But his amazing father was able to pull something off that made her extremely grateful; and that would be to have him be treated here, in the NICU instead.

"I can see that someone is very appreciative of the fact that I got them to treat him in the NICU, rather than the PICU."

Turning her head as she heard her loving husband's voice as he came back from taking Andy out to the washroom (again), Gabby smiled as she agreed with Matt; after all, this is where she feels like he needs to be right now. But there's something else that she's feeling, and that's a sense of curiosity; curiosity with regards to the bag that her husband was currently carrying in his hands, as it wasn't a bag that she recognized. Oh god, is that stuff that he can do for work? She hopes not; well, better ask him for clarification.

"I hope to god that's not work things."

Turning his head as Gabby mentioned that she thought he was currently carrying a bag of work, Matt smiled as that most certainly was not what he was currently carrying; rather, it was the bag that he went home to go pack (that way he could see Matteo and talk to his mom). The bag of clothes that Noah was going to need, as well as some spare diapers that they were going to need; along with a bunch of toys, and things that Noah is going to want...and that they want, to try and make this place feel as much as home as they possibly can. After all, it's not that easy to do when their son is his age; he knows where his home is, and he knows that this isn't it. Rather, this is the hospital; the same hospital that he was born in, and the place where his sisters were currently staying. So, you could consider it his first home; as it was always a place that was filled with love, but this is not what Matt considers to be his son's first home. Rather, that would be the big house where his brother Matteo currently is; and boy, was he happy that he got to see him.

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