The Journal of Gabriela Casey - Update

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Hi Readers: I know that I already posted (part) of this chapter before, but I decided that I wanted to write this part in a separate post. I hope that you guys like it and are okay with that. After which, I am going to go back to new stuff. Thanks again for reading.

December 11, 2019 – Hospital Day 3

Hello dear readers of The Journal of Gabriela Casey:
Before we begin, I want to apologize for not having updated you guys on our life a lot lately; but I have a good reason for that, one that you guys may already know based on the press release that's recently come out from the Press Office at Casey. But that doesn't mean that I don't feel like I shouldn't update you guys myself, as I feel like I have a duty to do so myself. Also, I want to do it myself; as I feel like I should be the one to give these updates, because they are about how I feel. And they are also my way of getting the true, unfiltered message out without the spin of the corporate press. This way, it's in my own words; and it's a message that you guys can know for a fact comes from my heart. But for now, I am just going to concentrate on updating you guys. On what's been going on.

However, one thing I am not going to do is say that I am not going to take any slack or face backlash for not having updated; so if you want to comment like that, then go elsewhere. I am not here for your shit, and that's due to the fact that we have a really busy life, especially now. First, Matt and I are the CEO (Matt) and the Deputy CEO (myself) of a major company, which does need us to take care of it on a daily basis; but for now, we are both so grateful for the work that our interim CEO Rafael Solano is doing. We love that we get to have this time with our girls, and I will always be forever grateful for what you have done; and for what it's worth, I am also grateful to the staff at ELLA Apparel who have really stepped up in my absence; and I can't wait to see what you guys come up.

But quick reminder for you guys, there is a link at the top of the page to the store; if you wish to buy can use the link above to go directly there. But now, back to the update that I have for you guys: and the update is that myself, and the girls are doing much better. For the people that have been sending their well wishes, as well as their payers to us of late; we really appreciate it, as this really has been a hard time for us and our family. Especially when we already had to deal with it in the past, when we had our sons. But for us to have to go through it with our daughters as well, I am not the happiest about that. (Quick Note to Friends: If you know the names of our children, please do not share them in the comments as we aren't ready to do that with the world yet).

And that's because of our wishes, which I am going to reiterate here on my blog so many times for the rest of my publishing career; and that would be that we do not want to have our children be affected by the media, like they were in the past when we had the boys. So much so, that this is a warning to the press: if you do what you did to us after our sons are born, then you will be subject to a lawsuit for harassment. I know, maybe this isn't the place to write this; but this is the only place that I feel like I can reach out to the press, without having to go through other people. And while this website is monitored, and it is on Casey servers; I am the only one who can edit the blog, and that's something that I'm glad is the case as I do not want to be filtered whatsoever.

Just a warning to those who do monitor this, I do save all of my original blog posts. And if they do change, then I will be putting them back each and every time until it stays up; so don't even try. But back to my daughters. As you probably know, they were born prematurely; and you probably also know that their names are Bella and Sofia, and boy do me and Matt love those names. They are just so adorable, and they are the perfect names that we love. But I am even happier about Bella's name, as she is also named after my late best friend; by way of her middle name, as her full name is Bella Elizabeth Casey. Elizabeth being a reference to my late best friend, and former paramedic partner Elizabeth Shay, which is why the name Elizabeth is dear and close to my heart, as I miss my best friend each and every day. God, what I would do to have you meet my children girl. You would love them so much.

But now, I also want to say this. I am sure that some of you, who are also our clients probably recognize the name Shay as the name of our ambulance model; and that's because she's the namesake of the model, after she died while working as a paramedic. Of course, it had to happen on the same day as my husband proposing to me (the first time); and let's just say that isn't exactly the best part of that day, especially when it was also the day of my ex-Battalion Chief's wedding. (By the way, if you're reading this Boden; tell Donna I said hi.) Also, please make sure that Brett stays away from the CFD; I have sources at the CFD, former colleagues of mine. And there are rumors that she's trying to get back in. Please make sure that she doesn't, as I am not letting her back onto Ambulance 61.

But god, why I am even bringing up her name; it beats me, but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to explain why I hate that woman so much. Plus, it can also make sure that people know why that's the case, and it can give reasons why I have every right to hate her; and why there are times that I have the right to slander her, as I know the facts. And I know one thing, as I have spoken to lawyers about what I can and can't say about people on my blog when I want to hold them to account; for legal purposes, at least. And I can say the following because it's a fact. She's the bitch who crashed my vow renewal/dream wedding, and who confessed to having feelings for MY HUSBAND. Yeah, not a nice day when I heard that. I mean, bitch please; he's wearing a wedding ring that I gave him.

Oh, and we have four beautiful children together. That means HE'S MINE! And he's going to be mine for life. So go find another guy who can deal with a bitch like you, because my husband is not up for you. But right now, we aren't going to talk about THAT as this isn't what the update is about; rather, we are here to update you on our life. And we are here to update you on what's going on. I already told you what's going on with my family, and how I Just gave birth; and I can already skip over the info about the bitch, because I don't need to give anything else. However, there is one thing that I want to just send out. And that's related to what happened shortly after I previously gave birth to our sons Matteo and Noah. (Even though I already did that above).

But still, I feel like it deserves to be mentioned again; and that's because of how serious it is, and how serious me and my husband take it. As you all remembered, we left Hawaii to go to Los Angeles due to the story that came out regarding my husband's past; and I am going to tell you this, you really shouldn't have posted that. But we're past that, and we're ready for this. But I do want to say this to the media: I do not want you to come for my family, nor are you to ask questions about our daughters. That's private, and we are already worried enough about them; we do not need our press team calling us, and asking us what they should say to the media. If we want to say anything, then we will share it here on our blog. However, we will not be sharing photos of them on here.

And that's due to the fact that we are worried about the safety of our family, rightfully so in our opinion. And that's why we will only be sending pictures to our friends and family, when you message them for us. (By the way, we love the messages of love and support. And since that's something that we really need right now, please continue to send them). But I also know that we don't reply to all of them, so I am going to do it on here; and I am going to say that we appreciate you, we love you, and we are always going to love the messages. And of course, I want to thank you guys for sending us your love, and all the well wishes for me, Matt, and the kids. And I can say that the girls are doing much better. But I am not going to share more, as that's reserved for text messages.

Text messages that I may finally be able to get to, as I feel more myself now; and that's due to the fact that I have been in and out of it recently, and I just feel exhausted. And god, Matt is so good at taking care of me; and I even think that he's doing it to get some action when we get home, which he most definitely will. But that doesn't mean that he's getting another kid, because we're done with having kids; which is something that he already knows, and is more than happy about because our kids are adorable. And though I know we should share pictures, we aren't going to do so; so if my friend Stella reads this, you are not getting any until we're in a better place. And if you want info on that, text me if I can answer.

Thanks again for reading, and I hope that you guys enjoy the future updates that I have for you guys.

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