This is Paradise, Part One

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Hi Readers: I just want to let you guys know that I've decided that I'm not going to write lunch. Rather, I am going to skip that and do something that I haven't done in a while; and that would be to write a bath for our lovely couple. Hope you guys like this chapter.

Casey Primary Suite – She decided that she wanted to do something on her own, and that would be to run herself a bath, because that's something that she hasn't done in a while. And there were a couple reasons for that. The first one being that she and Matt have been in the hospital for the past couple months, and even before then she didn't run a bath for herself. Because she literally got pregnant within a couple weeks of giving birth to the boys. And that was something that she really liked, as it meant that they were now done having kids; because they have everything that they want, two handsome sons, and two beautiful daughters. Matteo, Noah, Bella, and Sofia. Those four kids are already their world, and she is so happy that they have the honor of being their parents. But Gabby also has the honor of being something else, and that would be to have the title Ms. Matthew Casey; as she's Matt's wife.

And that's a title that she's going to have for the rest of her life, because that's how long she and Matt are going to be together, which is another thing that she absolutely loves, the fact that she's never going to have to live in a world where she isn't Ms. Matthew Casey; the woman who gets to run her hands all over that muscular body of his. And when she says muscular, she truly means muscular; because even though he's no longer a firefighter, Matt still works out as if he's a firefighter. And that's a real turn on, due to the fact that it means that she gets to have really strong arms wrapped around her when they cuddle; just like they're going to do when they're in the bath, and just relaxing with each other. Because that's exactly what Gabby needs to do right now, she needs to relax and breathe; and at the same time, she's also going to talk to her husband some more. Because that's something else she has to do.

And it was another one of the reasons that Gabby needs to be alone with Matt. It's due to the fact that she feels like she needs to talk to him about how they're going to deal with all of this, as it's still on her mind; how they're going to deal with everything. COVID, four kids, a business, and just making sure that their marriage is strong; because that's something that she's worried about too: their future. The future of their relationship, as well as their marriage. The last thing she wants is for them to get into a fight about something, and just have some problems while they're in isolation with each other. And that's actually something that she's not complaining about, because she loves spending time with her husband; especially since it means that she gets to spend some time with him in bed and have him run his hands all over her in bed. Oh, and in the bath of course; as that's what she's about to have.

"I can only assume that you're happy right now, aren't you?"

Turning her head to look at her husband, Gabby smiled as that most certainly is something that she was. She's extremely happy right now, simply due to the fact that she's home right now. "I'm happy that I'm home, and that's all that matters to me right now." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before making his way over to the woman he loves; after which, he moved his hand to her shoulder as he cuddled up to her. 


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