Happy Birthday Matt, Part Twenty

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. But before we begin, I wanted to let you know that I have decided to cancel the flashback as I want to preserve my chances to have more flashbacks from this time; without being too repetitive. However, they may change due to the fact that I don't always go back to the same storyline I have in flashbacks. But let's hope I do. Maybe I can cover more for you in a dream while Matt sleeps tonight? But the only way to find out if I do, is to keep reading. So please, enjoy readers.

He couldn't help but smile after he took a moment to think back to the time when he moved his beautiful wife home, when he went to Puerto Rico; and after surprising her in the shower, they made sweet love to each other. It truly was an amazing feeling, due to the fact that he missed her so much. And that was just one of the reasons why he went down there, due to the fact that he had missed his wife long enough; but as you very well know, there was another reason why. And that was to ensure that she came home to him, even though that was something that he wasn't proud to admit. So much so, that he decided to lie to his wife about the true intentions behind him going down there in the first place. "I hope you know that I did trust you to come home to me." Gabby just laughed as she heard Matt say that, before turning her head to look up at her husband as she knew the real reason behind his trip to Puerto Rico.

"Yeah, and I'm not the mother of your children."

She said, trying to mean it in the most sarcastic way as she possibly could; but unfortunately, that wasn't how Matt took the statement. Rather, he took it at face value, which is why he became concerned after he heard Gabby say that. "Hey, have I made you feel that way baby? That you..." Sitting up after hearing Matt start to go down that rabbit hole, Gabby grabbed his hand as she prepared to fix the mess that she was about to create if the conversation that they were having continued down this path. "Hey, look at me." Agreeing with his beautiful wife, Matt nodded as he decided to situ p just like her; after which, he intertwined their fingers as he held Gabby close to him. Meanwhile, Gabby placed one of her hands on Matt's face as she stared into his eyes. The eyes that she loves to stare into more than anything in the entire world. And the eyes that she needed to look into as she spoke to him right now.

"First of all, take a breath and relax Mr. Casey."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she told him to take a breath and relax, which he did the moment she said to do so; as he didn't want to make his wife Mad. After which, Gabby stroked his cheat and proceeded to speak to her loving husband as she wanted to get them back on track; to take away the confusion and misunderstanding that seemed to have just come into play when she made that statement. "Listen, I was just being sarcastic when I said that; please know that Matt." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before continuing to listen to her. "I wasn't being serious; I was trying to be funny; I was trying to say that there was an ulterior motive in you coming down to Puerto Rico so that you could help me move home." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, while also deciding to lay back down in bed; after which, he opened his arms as he wanted Gabby to do the same. He wanted her to lay down once more.

"Come here you."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her to lay down in his arms once more, before deciding to do just that; she decided to lay down in his arms again so that she could get comfortable as they spoke to each other about this topic. This topic that clearly was something that was on top of both of their minds, and that she didn't want to let turn into a full-blown disagreement; especially not on Matt's birthday, as that was the last thing that she wanted. "Can you promise me that we aren't going to fight tonight?" Matt agreed with Gabby as he placed his hand on her back, before turning his head and kissing her forehead as they both held each other close. "I promise, we aren't going to fight." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as the last thing she wanted was to fight with her husband on his birthday; not when he's the love of her life, and her whole world. Rather, she wants to have fun with him as they cuddle.

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