A Visit from Uncle Will & Aunt Natalie: Playing Jealous, and Confronting Reality

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Hi Readers: First, I want to apologize for not having written anything. And that was due to the fact that I just didn't feel like posting yet. That's literally the one reason that I haven't posted yet, and I now know that's going to change as I'm writing now. Hope you like the chapters that I get out for you today, as I'm not sure just how many I'll be able to get out due to the fact that I'm starting so late today.

They decided to just set the crib down at Will and Natalie's place, before coming back home so that they can just relax for a bit ahead of putting them together; and there was a reason for that, being that his beautiful children were awake. His handsome son Mikey, and his adorable baby girl Olivia, who was getting a bit TOO comfortable in her uncle's arms, at least in her father's eyes. And that's exactly what he decided to tell his daughter, as he walked over to her and just looked at her. "Hey you little missy." Turning their heads, the other adults all looked at Jay. "You better not get used to that feeling there missy, because that isn't your daddy...I'm your daddy, and you better remember that because I don't want you crying when I have to steal you away from your UNCLE." Will just laughed as he heard Jay say that, before turning his head and looking up at his brother; the brother who really had no reason to be jealous.

And that was something that Will decided to remind his brother. "Jay, you have no reason to be jealous. I am not going to take my niece, when she's your daughter." Jay agreed with Will as he said that, well aware that was the case; especially since he was just playing, which is the exact reason he decided to walk away. "Will, don't you think I already know that? I mean, I'm playing a game with my daughter. Geez, let me play with my daughter for crying out loud." Alex agreed with her husband, well aware that he likes to play with his children. "Oh god, you should see him when he gets on the ground with the kids; I swear, it's the most adorable thing and I am loving it." Jay agreed with his beautiful wife as she said that, before smiling as he walked into the kitchen; after which, he turned his head and looked at Natalie. "So, Natalie, I want to let you know that we already have plans for the next nap." Natalie was confused.

After all, what plans could she have made when Jay; when they haven't really talked much today, as he was instead at her place. "OK. I'm confused, and unsure as to what you mean; as last time I checked, the two of us haven't ever made plans with each other." Jay snickered as he heard Natalie say that, before going to grab some water glasses. He then proceeded to walk up to the fridge and started to fill some up. "Oh, I'm not talking about me and you Natalie." Natalie was even more confused as she heard Jay say that, who then pointed out just what he meant. "I'm talking about me and your husband, since I already know that you guys are only out here so that the kids can spend some time with me and Will before they fall asleep." Alex laughed, as that was the exact reason why they were out here. "You know me so well." Jay agreed. "But I also know that we're going to have them over for supper." Natalie agreed.

After all, she and Alex were just talking about that while their husbands were bringing the cribs to their place. "Me and Alex were actually just talking about that, and we both agreed that we would spend some time with each other." Jay agreed with Natalie as he finished filling up the first glass of water; after which, he proceeded to start filling up the other glass of water. "Will and Natalie, you guys want some water too?" Natalie smiled as she looked at Jay, as that most certainly was something that she wanted; and that her husband should've offered. "I would love some, you are such a great HUSBAND for asking." Gulping, Will just knew that was Natalie throwing a bit of shade at him; because he's not stupid when it comes to sarcasm, and could clearly hear that his wife was being sarcastic. "Sorry Nat." Natalie agreed with her husband as he apologized, before shaking her head as he was really useless at times.

But that doesn't mean that she doesn't love her husband, as she most certainly does love her husband; due to the fact that he's the father of her child, which is something that she can't wait to see him be. Based on the way that he acts with Michael and Olivia, she just knows that he's going to be a great father. "It's okay Will, but you just need to remember that you need to be more present." Will agreed with Natalie as she said that, as that most certainly was the truth. He needed to be more present, and he needed to make sure that he helped his wife as much as he can; and that's due to the fact that she's pregnant, and it's why Will needs to help her as much as he can. And that's exactly what he does, by giving her massages. "I mean, when it comes to things like water. I hope you know that I most certainly do love the massages that you give me, even when you're tired." Alex agreed with her sister-in-law, smiling at her.

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