Let's Take Our Time in the Shower

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Hi Readers: Before we begin, I want to apologize for anybody who was looking forwards to possibly reading my other story; but I have decided not to write it after all due to the fact that I lost the idea that I had in my head. So instead, I am going to go back to what I know best. And that would be to write The Caseys for you. Hope you continue to enjoy the story. Here's the next chapter.

Running his hands down his face shortly after shaving this morning, Matt smiled as he made sure that the shave job he just did was up to par; as well as up to Gabby's expectations, which aren't pretty high due to the fact that she doesn't care what his face looks like. As long as she has access to his sweet lips, then that's all that matters to her at the end of the day. The fact that she gets to share sweet kisses with the man she loves, whenever she can. And right now, that's going to happen here in the shower, as they hold each other close and take it easy with each other ahead of them having to work today. And that was okay with her, as she knew that was something that they had to do on a regular basis as they are the heads of the company; the ones in charge of everything that happens below them. She's just glad that they also have a bit of time to be with each other first, as that's what Gabby wants to do right now. She wants to take some time with her husband, as she feels him run his hands all over her body, which is what he's going to do, the moment he walks into the shower so that he can pepper her with kisses and run his hands all over her while washing her body.

But that can only happen when her loving husband is in the shower with her, which he's not. Rather, he's taking a minute to admire just how sexy she is as he stands right outside the door to their shower with his towel around his waist. That was, until she turned around and looked at her husband and noticed that he was looking at her, which made him embarrassed. So much so, he turned around and went back to shaving this morning; however, Gabby didn't want him to feel embarrassed. "Baby, don't feel embarrassed that you want to stare at me when I'm taking a shower; I know that you love what you see." Matt snickered as Gabby said that, as that most certainly was something that is the truth. "Oh, don't you know it; especially when I know that I'm not going to be able to admire you like this the entire day." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that was the case. I mean, what husband doesn't want to stare at his wife while she was naked in the shower. "I mean, I stare at you when you're naked in bed; then why wouldn't I want to stare at you when you're naked in the shower?" Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, smiling at him.

She then decided that she was going to do something, as she was starting to get impatient; and that was to turn around and make it so that the water was running down the front of her body, something that Matt noticed. "God, you are such a tease when you do that." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, watching as he shaved this morning; after which, she turned around once again and continued to let the water run down her body. Meanwhile, Matt went to check his face one more time to make sure that it was right; and that most certainly is exactly what it was, which meant that he was now ready to get in the shower with the woman he loves. But first, he had to do something else; he needed to take off his towel ahead of him getting in the shower with his gorgeous wife. And damn was Gabby ready to have that happen. She wants Matt to be in the shower with her more than anything, which is precisely what she's about to have now that Matt was ready to get in; and even better, his towel was off of his waist. Rather, it was now on the hook next to hers where she already had her towel. And that, that was the last thing that Matt needed to do before what she wanted.

 And that, that was the last thing that Matt needed to do before what she wanted

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