Pain Meds and Comfort Cuddles

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Hi Readers: Before we begin, I want to apologize for not having updated until now; but I decided to do something else today, which would have been to try and write another story. But I decided not to, as I just couldn't get the idea to stick. So, this is going to be my full-time story once more; and I am going to get you guys more chapters tomorrow, I promise you that right now.

Walking out of the bathroom with some pain meds for Gabby, Matt smiled as he looked at the most beautiful woman in the entire world; but at the same time, he also knew that she was also something else. And that would be in pain, because he could see the signs. The signs that she was in pain, and in much more pain than she was telling him, which is typical for Gabby, as he knew that she liked to portray that she's strong rather than vulnerable. But that's the last thing that he wants her to do, as he wants her to be honest with him when it comes to how much pain she's in; that way, he can help her and get her pain medicine if she needs it. And he actually can't help but wonder whether this was another reason why she didn't want him to work today, which he definitely shouldn't have.

And there's a reason for that, which is due to the fact that she's in pain. "I made a huge mistake today." Turning her head as she heard her husband say that, Gabby was confused as to just what he was talking about. "What are you talking about?" Matt sighed as he made his way over to Gabby with the pain medicine, and the glass of water that he also got for the woman he loves. "Well, based on how much pain I can see you're in..." Gabby looked at her husband as he said that, as she didn't want to hear that. "If you're going to tell me that we shouldn't have left the hospital, then you can get dressed and go take care of the boys." Matt snickered as he heard Gabby say that, as that most certainly was not what he was going to say; but if she wants him to do that, then he will do just that.

No, but seriously; he was instead going to tell his wife that he regrets working at all today, as he can see that she's in pain. "No, it's not that." Gabby agreed with Matt as she watched the man she loves make his way over to her, after which he gave her the medicine that he got for her. "Here, open your hand." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before doing as she was told; after which, Matt proceeded to set the pain med down in her hand so that she could take it. And she did just that, just as soon as she could; because after all, that was what she needed right now. She needed relief from the pain that she was dealing with at the moment, so that means that she needs to take this medicine right now. "I hope that works." Giving Gabby her water, Matt agreed with his wife.

Meanwhile, Gabby reached up to grab the water and then proceeded to take a sip of it; after all, that was exactly what she needed to do. She needed to drink her water, and she needed to make sure that she felt better; because that's what she needs to do, in case the girls need her. But at the same time, she also knows that it'll take her a while to feel better. And that's why she wanted the pain med now, while also cuddling up to her husband, which is something else that will definitely make her feel better, just as soon as he's back in bed with her. "So, do you want me to get you anything? Or would you rather I get in bed with you right now?" Gabby smiled as Matt asked her what she wanted him to do, and that most certainly was not anything related to him being away from her today.

Not when he can instead be here with her in bed, holding her close as he makes her feel better. "Believe me, that's exactly where I want you to be, as I most certainly do not want you to be anywhere other than in bed with me." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before moving to sit down next to her. "But first, we need to talk about something." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, while feeling him reach for her hand; after which, she intertwined their fingers and looked at the man she loves more than anything. "So, what do you need to talk to me about?" Matt sighed. "Just how you've been lying about how in pain you've been." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as that most certainly was exactly what she was doing; she was lying about how much in pain she was.

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