Happy Birthday Daddy: Four Weeks

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the late start today, but I hope to make it up to you with a bunch of high-quality chapters. I am not sure whether I am going to cover any other the other families yet, as I may just concentrate on Matt's birthday; or heck, maybe I do cover them and that's how I get some business storylines in. Not sure yet, all I know is that you guys are in for a while ride. Enjoy my dear readers.

"Speaking of our kids, the boys turn one in four weeks." -Gabby Casey

His little boys turn one in four weeks, now that was a statement that made Matt's head spin as it was still something he didn't believe. That his little boys, the boys that were so little when they were born; were turning a year old in four weeks. Twenty-eight days. Now that was something that Matt really blew his mind. "Wow, now if that statement doesn't blow my mind." Gabby snickered as she heard Matt say that, while leaning her forehead against his. After which, she leaned in and kissed her loving husband softly. And boy did Matt love the fact that Gabby just kissed him, as he loves the sweet feeling of her lips on his; so much so, that he just moved his hand to her neck. After which, he leaned in and proceeded to kiss her again. "God, I love the feeling of your lips on mine." Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that, well aware that was the case; after all they are experts in kissing each other.

How do you think that they got to having four beautiful children? As every single round of sex that led to them getting pregnant, started with a sweet kiss that they both always enjoy with each other. "Well, that's probably due to the fact that I'm the only woman you love kissing; and the only woman that you're allowed to kiss." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, before tugging her body against his more and moving to kiss her again. "Well, I love the fact that my lips belong to yours. They just fit so well together, and there's nothing better than the feeling of them on mine." Gabby agreed with Matt, before deciding to bring the topic of conversation back to what they were talking about; and that would be how Matteo and Noah turn one in four weeks. "So, are you sad that you aren't going to be able to give the boys the party that you've always wanted to give you first child?" Matt sighed, agreeing with Gabby.

After all, celebrating their sons' first birthday in the middle of a pandemic is something that the couple never expected; nor could anybody really expect how to celebrate this. "Okay, let's just start with this. Let's take a breath." Gabby was confused as she heard her husband say that, until he told her to take a breath again. "Breathe." Gabby agreed with her loving husband, before doing just that for him; after all, she doesn't want to make the birthday boy mad. "Ok. Can you please explain why you asked me to breathe?" Matt smiled at his wife. "I know that this is going to be a hard topic, filled with a bunch of emotions; especially since we're also going to have to talk about the pandemic." Gabby agreed with her husband again. "Yeah, a topic that we've been avoiding like the plague." And that's when Gabby realized what she just said, and how that most certainly was not the right term for them to use in this scenario.

"I'm sorry about that, that definitely was not the term that I should've used in this scenario."

Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, as that most certainly is the truth. "Hey, it's okay. We need to get used to what we can say. We need to retool our vocabulary and figure out just what we can and can't say." Gabby took a breath, before turning to look at their kids. "And we're going to have to figure out just how we're going to have to explain this to our kids." Matt shook his head as he heard Gabby say that, as that wasn't the truth; their children are too young to understand, so they shouldn't waste time on thinking about that. "Ok. Let's not think about that right now. Right now, the kids are extremely young; and we don't need to worry about that as this may be over before they can even realize what happens. Plus, it's not like they haven't been isolating from the outside world their entire lives." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as that was the truth when it came to how protective they are of their kids.

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