A Picture of Our Girls

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys are okay with how I changed this story, and what I have done with regards to the storyline; more specifically, regarding the fact that I already have the girls in the story. I truly do hope that you guys are okay with that and are ready for a bunch more storylines that come with the girls. Thanks again for reading, and I hope that you continue to enjoy the story. But first, if you have any questions; please, let me know and I will try and answer them.

"I want to see my girls in a picture, and I want you to climb into bed." -Gabriela Casey

Walking out of the washroom shortly after getting changed into something a bit more comfortable for the woman of his dreams, Matt smiled as he saw her ogling at him as he just wore a t-shirt and his boxers. "Oh, I have to admit; I do like the sight of that." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "I had a feeling that was going to be the case, which is the entire reason why I decided to wear it for you in the first place." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, just smiling at the man of her dreams; after all, he truly is the love of her life...and he knows exactly what she wants right now, which is this. She wants this life with Matt, and she wants him to be here; and she also wants a picture of their girls, which she can look at while they hold each other in bed. "And I also had a feeling that I wasn't going to be moving out of bed much." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, before snickering a bit; but unfortunately, that hurt a bit. "Oh, that hurt." Getting a bit worried as he heard Gabby say that, Matt decided to walk over to her first.

After all, his daughters are currently being taken care of by the hospital; meanwhile, he is still entirely responsible (well, as much as he can) for his wife's care. At the same time, nurses will help; and that's due to the fact that Gabby needs to be monitored, as she just had major surgery. So much so, that they might even have to do another one to make sure that she's okay; but he's not going to worry about that right now. Not when he instead needs to take it easy, and just relax with his beautiful wife. The wife he loves more than anything in the entire world and will do anything to protect and make sure that she's okay, which also includes making sure that she stays away from her phone, which is currently on top of her bags by the girls' crib. "By the way, can I ask where the dress I was wearing went?" Sighing as he walked over to his bags with his clothes, Matt proceeded to set his pants down; after which, he noticed that he forgot to give Camila and Antonio one of his bags. So, he decided to grab his phone and sent Antonio a text message regarding it.

'Remind me to ask you to take my suit and our clothes from today home next time you come.'

Hitting send on the message, Matt took a breath as he made sure that it was sent; after which, Matt went ahead and started to fold his clothes. The clothes that he was going to be placing in the bag that he has here, just as soon as he unpacks the clothes that Camila and Antonio brought for him today; and that he was certain was going to be replenished on a regular basis, each and every time that their family visits. Whether that be the Dawson Family, or the Casey Family that visits. Just as long as they do not talk about business, then Matt will be a happy man; as he wants to concentrate on his girls right now, rather than work. He doesn't want to think about it, as that's his last priority for the moment; rather, his main priority is his family. "Baby, did you hear my question?" Turning around when he heard Gabby's voice again, Matt took a breath. "Sorry, just had some other things in my mind." Getting a bit concerned, Gabby proceeded to sit up like she thought she needed to do for Matt; but the truth was, that was the last thing that Matt wanted.

He doesn't want her to sit up, not when she needs to relax; not when she just needs to take it easy, and she needs to make sure that they cuddle in bed. "Hey, hey...stop Gabby." Looking at Matt as he said that, Gabby could see the worry in his eyes right away; the worry that was all about what happened today, all thanks to the stupid fight that she had with Stella. So, she went ahead and laid down. "Sorry." Taking a breath as he heard Gabby apologize, Matt shook his head as that was the last thing that he wanted Gabby to do; he didn't want Gabby to apologize to him, he wanted her to take it easy and just relax (just like the doctors told her to do). "Hey, no. Please don't apologize." Taking a breath, Gabby agreed with Matt; at the same time, she watched him making his way over to her bed. That way, he could sit down next to her and just looked down at the woman he loves. Reaching out, Matt put his hand out so that Gabby could grab his hand, which is exactly what she did, along with intertwining their fingers as she stared up into h er man's eyes.

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