Taking Care of It - Part Two

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Hi Readers: And welcome to your daily update of The Caseys. I wanted to get this one out to you guys, before I forget. Hope you guys like it; and continue to enjoy my story, even though I have reduced the number of updates. Now, let's get back to the story.

Their children were all fast asleep, and they were just taking it easy; taking it easy as they cuddled up to each other and watched some TV together on their iPad, as that was all that the parents wanted to do right now. They wanted to hold each other close, and they wanted to cuddle up to each other in bed this evening; but at the same time, they also knew that they needed to talk. Talk about everything that happened. Or so they thought they were going to, but that was not what Matt wanted to do tonight; rather, he just wanted to take things easy with Gabby, as he concentrates on her. And he thought that Gabby would be okay with that, but it turned out that wasn't the case; and that was due to the fact that she wanted to talk to her husband about what's been going on lately at work. And how their life has just been turned upside down, because of the media once more. "Matt, can we talk?"

Turning his head as he heard Gabby ask him whether they can talk, Matt agreed with her as he knew what she was thinking about right now; she was thinking about the impact of all of this on their family, and just how they're going to deal with it. And if that's what his wife wants too do, then he was going to let her do it. "Baby, we can always talk if you feel like you need to. What's going on?" Taking a breath as she looked up at her loving husband, Gabby could just tell that her man was worried at the moment; worried about how everything is going on, and she couldn't help but wonder what effect this is going to have on them...on their marriage. Because the last thing that she wanted, was for this to take a toll on their marriage. "Baby, I just want to make sure that we're okay; because I've heard what can happen in these situations, it can cause a lot of..." Based on what Gabby was saying, Matt just knew.

He knew where this was headed, and he didn't like it; and that was why he decided to shut it down right away, the moment that he heard Gabby start taking the conversation down this path. Because the last thing that Matt wanted, was for his wife to worry about whether they're going to be okay, when she should rather be concentrating on her recovery. Because that's what Gabby needs to concentrate on right now. She needs to concentrate on her recovery, and she needs to make sure that she's okay for their children; she can let him take care of the rest. "Hey, look at me and just relax. You have nothing to worry about right now. Right now, I can take care of everything; and everything is being taken care of. Baby, I promise that we're all good; and I have already asked the company to take care of it, because I am not going to take care of it. This is not my job right now. Right now, you are my priority."

Gabby agreed with her loving husband as he told her that, well aware that was the case. "Gabby, we have the girls and Noah here with us; and you're still recovering in the hospital, which means that I would like to just take it easy and relax with you." Gabby agreed, until she heard his phone ding. "Even if you get an e-mail here or there from the company?" Matt sighed as he looked at Gabby, because that was the one thing that he hated about his phone; the fact that he has both his personal and business e-mails connected. "Unfortunately, I combined the two e-mails that I have. My personal and business e-mails all get sent to my phone, and they also ding my phone all the time." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Can you maybe check the e-mail? And then you can shut off the alerts for the night? Maybe just at night you can shut it off." Matt agreed with his wife.

"Of course, I can shut it off at night baby, I will do that for you just after I read the e-mail." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "And can you keep doing it, even when we're out of the hospital? I know that might be too much but..." Matt shook his head. "No, it's not too much to ask. Whatever I need to do at 11 pm at night, can be done the next morning; because it's not going to change much overnight." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that was the case. After which, she leaned up and proceeded to kiss the man she loves softly. "Did I ever tell you that I love you more than anything in the entire world?" Matt smirked and agreed with the woman he loves, as he very much knows just how much she loves him. "Well then, do you love me enough to let me read the e-mail that I just got?" Gabby agreed with Matt. "Honestly, I'm just curious at what it is anyways." Matt agreed and smiled.

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