She's Delusional, Part One

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Hi Readers: Sorry again for the huge delay. But I want to let you know that this is going to be our last chapter for tonight.

Sitting in the bar with Gabby and his friends, Matt took a breath as he took a sip of his drink; and by drink, he means beer. He told Gabby that he needed a drink, and that she was not going to stop him; and before she could argue, Kelly spoke up for him and just told her that he needs a drink. So, she let him do just that. She let him grab a drink, so that he could take a minute to just think about what the hell happened out there; and just what Sylvie even said to him, just how delusional she is right now based on those comments.

"Matt, I was going there (to Hawaii) for you."
"Last time I checked, any woman could've given you a baby."

God, just the thought of those statements playing back in his head were horrible; but at the same time, it worried him. It worried him that this could get dangerous, and that was something that he hated; that made him wonder if this was a mistake, a mistake for them to come back. As it meant that they were once more in the same city as her, the woman who's caused him hell; and could easily cause him hell again, as she seems hellbent on doing something to take him away from Gabby. And that worries him and scares him. No, it petrifies him; all based on the way that she looked at him, like she could just grab his shirt and kiss him. That it would be that easy for her to get him. That she could just kiss him, and that he would leave his family; and forget everything that she did to his wife.

That he would ever leave his miracles: his wife Gabriela, their sons Matteo and Noah, and his precious baby girls Bella and Sofia. Just the idea of him leaving them was something that made him shutter, especially since it's never going to happen. Gabby went through hell during both of her pregnancies so that she could make him a father, and that was something that was bonding them for life; the fact that Gabby loves him so much, that she would be pregnant with twins (triplets) two times in a year. Now that's true love, and something that Sylvie most definitely doesn't understand; nor does she understand the concept of marriage, which includes a vow that you stick with your wife and you're faithful to your spouse. God, that still bothered him; how she went to Hawaii for him.

And even worse, she went there on the day of his vow renewal; and that's the real reason why he thinks it's still bothering him, due to the fact that Sylvie just told him the real reason why Sylvie was in Hawaii on their vow renewal. It wasn't because she wanted to celebrate their love as one of their friends, she wanted to stop the vow renewal and try and turn it into a wedding for the two of them. There's no doubt in his mind that Sylvie would've tried to do that, while also trying to be with Gabby's brother. God, that woman just makes him sick; and that's why he's worried right now, and quite scared at the thought. The thought that Sylvie believes that she could easily replace Gabby, when she's both the love of his life. And that brings up another comment that Sylvie made to him just now.

"Matt, be honest with yourself. The only reason that you're with Gabby, is due to the fact that she trapped..."

He's glad though, that he didn't let her finish that sentence, as he already knew where she was going with it. She was going to say that she trapped him in their marriage, by giving him four beautiful children; children that are just as much a part of him, as they are a part of Gabby. And that's's something that he can't even wonder. Heck, it's why he's drinking his beer some; but at the same time, that worried Gabby as he was drinking fast. "Hey, baby. Take a breath. You okay?" Taking a breath, Matt agreed as he went to look at the beer; noticing how much he already drank, he took a breath as he went to set it down...especially since it was just thee morning. But still, he did need to breathe. "Sorry, just a lot on my mind after that conversation with Sylvie." Gabby agreed with Matt.

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