Happy Birthday Daddy, Part Eight

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Hello Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters revolving around Matt's birthday. I know that this day is long, but I seem to be getting some ideas for this day that I am going to continue for a bit. I hope you guys continue to enjoy the story, as I am not sure just how long this story is going to go. I mean, we are almost at four hundred chapters. Then again, we have gone through a lot over the entire saga. We have done a year and a half in six months of writing, with many more to come. Hope you continue to enjoy.

Taking the stroller out of his truck, Matt smiled as he went ahead and started to set it up for him and Gabby; while also ensuring that Andy stayed nearby, as the last thing he wanted was to have to run after him and leave this expensive stroller they have unattended. And when he says it's expensive, he means that; due to the fact that he wanted to give his four children the best (which was another reason why it was a bit more expensive than a "regular" stroller that you would get for your children). I mean, is there ever a regular stroller now a days? Strollers come with all sorts of attachments now, as did the one that he and Gabby have for their children. They specifically got a big hook at they could use for a certain someone when they took a walk, and that would be Andy. With the big hook on here, he could stay nearby without them having to hold onto him and the stroller, which let Matt have another free hand.

A free hand to take care of the kids, or just to hold Gabby's hand with their fingers intertwined as they strolled together, which is what they are going to do today as they get some fresh air. Fresh air that was needed with them now having to stay inside all the time. He's just glad that won't be the case in the summer, as they'll have a pool to play in; another reason why he wanted to get this place here. Because if there was one thing that Matt wasn't going without here at his home in Chicago, it would be a pool; especially when it came in handy while they were in Hawaii during those times where he needed to clear his mind. Clear his mind of the thoughts that we stuck in there, related to all the PTSD that he has from his hard life. And while he was trying to get past it, he also knew that wouldn't be entirely possible now that he has this diagnosis; because things stay with you when you have PTSD. And he finds them to be clear.

Almost as clear as they were the day they happened, as they replay in their head during those PTSD events that he has to deal with either in the middle of the day; or more often, in the middle of the night while he's trying to get the most amount of sleep possible. Sleep that can lead to him having a good day the next day, as he needed to be rested for everything that he always had to take care of during the day. Between their four children, Andy, his marriage, and then the company; he had a lot to take care of, and he knew that he always had to be on top of his game when it came to what he needed to do. And that meant that he had to pay attention, especially when Gabby was calling for him as it may mean that she needs help with something related to the kids. And unfortunately, he hasn't heard her calling for him until now, which got Gabby worried. So much so, that she came outside to check on him.

And that was the only way that Matt finally realized that he was being spoken to, due to the fact that Gabby just placed her hand on his arm and stroked it with her thumb. "Matt?" Turning his head, Matt started to come to. "Oh. Hey. Did you say something?" Getting close to her husband, Gabby could clearly see that something was on his mind; something that really took him out of it for a moment. "Hey, where did your head go there?" Getting close to Gabby, Matt wrapped his arm around her and just held the woman he loves close to her. "I was just thinking about how we bought this stroller for a life in Hawaii." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that they bought the stroller for a life in Hawaii; because it was a stroller that could be very useful when they go off road due to the tires that they have on it. The tires that allow them to have good traction when they're off roading on trails in Hawaii.

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