Intimate Conversations from the Heart (and an Awkward Family Reunion)

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in starting to write new chapters, but I'm here now and ready to get writing. Hope you guys like them.

Casey Primary Suite – They were finally ready. Ready to spend the day together and concentrate on each other and a bunch of things that the couple need to talk about; while also being a bit intimate with each other, which is something that both of the parents really enjoy doing. Especially since they got home from the hospital, where it was rare for them to have the chance to be intimate with each other. Honestly, the only time that they got to be intimate with each other in the hospital was: (1) in the middle of the night, when the kids were all asleep in the hospital room, and (2) when they were in the bathroom with each other. After all, they couldn't exactly able to do it in their hospital room where their beautiful children were sleeping. But that was okay, due to the fact that they'd rather let their kids sleep; than scar them for the rest of their lives, which is something that Matt understands how much it can screw you up.

After all, he is from a broken home, which was also a home where violence was normal, and behind closed doors. As it always is. There is rarely a situation of domestic violence that occurs in public, which is why Matt is always cautious when it comes to fighting with his wife; as he doesn't want to scar his kids, like he was scared when his father abused and raped his mother. But that's never going to happen here, not when he and Gabby are madly in love with each other; and he truly means that, due to the fact that Gabby is the love of his life. And she will always be the love of his life, as he wants to be with her with the rest of his life; something she's already well aware of, as she wants the same things as him. She wants to be his wife for the rest of his life, and she wants to die in his arms; but she doesn't want to die anytime soon, as they have children that they want to watch grow up together. God, that'll be nice.

And they also have conversations to have with each other, which they most certainly should probably start having rather than just sitting here with each other as they hold each other close; but Gabby did have to admit that she loves this feeling, of his strong hands on her body today. And with her luck, that's something that she's going to have all day today; his hands on her body, and his love all over her. I mean, what more could a woman want? Other than the most beautiful children in the entire world, which she already has. But right now, that's not what Gabby needs to concentrate on; rather, she needs to concentrate on the gorgeous man who was currently holding her in his arms. Well, more the man than the fact that he was holding her, which was very comfortable might she add, because her husband is a very comfortable pillow. Especially when he runs his hand (and wedding band) up and down her back.

Thankfully, that's exactly what he's in the midst of doing right now; Matt's running his hand up and down her back, with his wedding band on her spine. And that's why Matt thinks that his gorgeous wife is still being quiet at the moment, as she doesn't want to loose the feeling of his wedding band on her back; but she doesn't need to worry about that, as his hand isn't going to be anywhere other than her back today. "I hope you know that you don't have to worry." Confused, Gabby turned her head and looked up at her loving husband as she didn't understand what he meant when he said that; after all, she already knows that she didn't have to worry when they're just going to talk to each other today. But at the same time, Gabby couldn't help but wonder just what Matt was talking about. "Okay, I am confused as to just what you mean baby." Matt snickered a bit as he heard Gabby say that, while rubbing her back.

After which, he turned his head and kissed her forehead softly; while also wrapping his arms around her back, and holding his beautiful wife close to him. "I mean that you can be open with me, and just talk to me about whatever you want. You don't need to worry about what you can and can't say to me; I just want you to be honest with me, so that we can talk about whatever's on your heart." Gabby was confused as she heard Matt say that, as that was not the saying. "Baby, the saying is on your mind." Running his hand up and down Gabby's back, he made her lay down again before grabbing the back of her head; after which, he turned his head and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "If you speak from your heart, you're giving me the truth. And that's what I want to heart today, I want to heart your truth when it comes to what's on your mind right now." Gabby agreed with her husband, before letting out a sigh.

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