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Hi Readers: And Happy Fourth of July to my American friends. I want to first apologize for starting a bit later than normal, but I did some story planning as I got some things ready for you guys; hopefully, you guys enjoy my gift to America today as they celebrate Two Hundred and Forty-Seven years of existence. Now, let's get back to the story, which is not taking place in July.

"Do you ever regret going for the girls so soon after we had the boys?" -Gabriela Casey

The question ended up hanging in the air for a while, before Matt even thought of what to say to Gabby; after all, he truly had no ideas whatsoever just how to answer that question. And it was also a tricky one, based on the situation in which they find themselves in; with all the motions and worries that they're dealing with right now, it might set her off and cause a fight that they do not need to have right now. Nor should they be fighting, when they have a bunch of things that they still need to talk about; and when they have all of their children with them today, so he had to give a very diplomatic answer. But just what might his answer even be? Because Matt truly wasn't sure, simply due to the fact that there are so many what ifs that are playing through his mind right now. And there was a really big question that he's been pondering ever since Gabby asked him that question in the first place.

Would they have had a chance to meet their son if they had waited to go for another child?

But at the same time, you also need to wonder; would they have even gotten pregnant with triplets in the first place, let alone twins, had they not waited. Would they have had daughters? Or would they have had more sons? There are so many questions that can go through his mind right now, and he really would not like to thing about them. But now that Gabby's brought them up this morning, he feels like he doesn't have a choice; he has to think about the questions, and he has to give Gabby some answers. Because as her husband, he owes her those answers; even though they main be painful, he needs to let his wife know just where his mind is at right now. And that's exactly what Matt plans on doing, as he turned his head and proceeded to kiss Gabby's forehead softly. "First, I want it noted for the record I hate these types of questions; questions that make me play the what if game in my mind, and just make my mind wander and wonder about all the possibilities. Especially since it also leads me to rethinking my choices."

Gabby agreed with her husband as he told her that, clearly seeing that was something that was going on in his mind right now; but at the same time, she doesn't want them to just be going on in his mind at the moment. And that's due to the fact that she wants him to share what's going on in his mind. She wants him to talk to her, so that they can deal with what's going on in his mind together; and so that they're on the same page, which is critical in these times. "Then I hope you're going to talk to me baby, because I want to help you deal with this; please, open up to me just like you just did when it came to your PTSD medicine." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, well aware that he needs to do just that. He needs to open up to her, just like he did with his PTSD medicine. "I think, there's always going to be that question in the back of my mind. Had we waited, would this have happened? Would all of this have happened? Would we have had that partial miscarriage? Or would we be a family of seven right now instead of a family of six."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, continuing to listen to the man she loves; as he clearly has a lot to say, and a lot of opinion when it comes to the topic that they just started talking about. She just hopes that she doesn't come to regret having asked him this question, which is clearly opening up a whole can of worms that she never even expected to speak about in the first place; heck, maybe Matt didn't even think they'd ever talk about this, and that's why he's a bit hesitant to say much right now. "I mean, at the end of the day; I'm happy with the children we have, and I don't think we need more than what we have. We have Matteo and Noah, and we have the girls. And at the end of the day, that's all that matters." Gabby agreed with Matt, as she feels the same way about that. The fact that they have Matteo, Noah, Bella, and matter when they were born, or how they were born; all that matters is that they have them in their lives, and that they are their children...and not just for now, but for the rest of their lives.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now