Switching it Up

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the grocery shopping chapter? Well, I hope that you guys liked it; and are ready for some more chapters, that are more related to Matt and Gabby getting romantic with each other...because that's exactly what's happening now.

Casey Living Room – The groceries were unpacked, Andy was taken care of, and they were alone; and that was all thanks to his mother, who decided to go spend a couple days at his sister's place so that he and Gabby could get some time with each other. Time that they've been craving and have just been wanting to enjoy since they moved home to Chicago; and that's exactly what they're in the midst of doing right now, they're enjoying the quality alone time that they're getting with each other. But they aren't spending it in their bedroom but are instead going to spend it in the living room; and that's so that it's easier for Matt to let Andy out to go to the bathroom, as he won't have to go as far. Rather, he'll just have to walk over to the door in his boxers; just like he's in the midst of doing at the moment, as he made his way over to the couch with some drinks for him and Gabby. And let's just say that Gabby loved it.

I mean, what's better than the sight of your husband walking over to you in his boxers; while also bringing you some drinks, which is very sexy. But it's not as sexy as what's going to happen for the rest of the day, and that would be them just holding each other close as they cuddle; heck, Gabby doesn't even know whether they're going to take a bath. But that'll all depend on just how comfortable she gets here with Matt. Because if she gets too comfortable, she may ask him to risk his back just so that they can stay here; and the truth was, Matt was okay with that due to the fact that it was a nice change. And even better, they only have her phone with them; something that they told her mother, that way she knows which phone to call in case they need to reach them about the kids. "No phone, right?" Matt laughed as he walked up to the woman he loves with her drink, only to extend his hand to give it to her.

"I promise, I am not the one that's going to have a phone; because I don't want to work, when I am getting time with my wife."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as that most certainly is something that she's grateful for. "You want to lay down under me?" Matt smiled as he looked at his beautiful wife, before leaning over and kissing her softly. "Maybe in a minute. First, I need to drink this; then I can lay down. How about we just sit down, and we can talk about how nice it was to run into our friends." Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her that, before watching him sit down and feeling him wrap his arm around her; and boy was that comfortable as she held her glass up. "To some quality husband-and-wife time ahead of your birth." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "Now, that's something that I can toast to." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, smiling as she proceeded to turn her head and kissed him as they toasted to the quality time that they were going to enjoy with each other in the living room.

Yet at the same time, she couldn't help but wonder just what he gave her as a drink. "What did you pour for us?" Matt smiled as he looked at Gabby. "I got us some wine. You need some in you, so that you can relax for a bit babe." Gabby sighed as she heard her husband say that, before looking at him. "I wish it were that easy." Matt agreed with Gabby, as he knew it better than anybody just how stressed she is at the time; so much so, that he decided to turn his head and kiss her forehead softly. "I hope you know that you can always talk to me babe." Gabby agreed with Matt, well aware that she can talk to her husband. "Heck, are you sure that you want to sit down here Gabby? If you want to lay down in bed instead, we can do that. After all, we both know that you're always more relaxed in there." Gabby took a breath as Matt asked her that question. "Can we stay here for a bit? Just switch it up." Matt agreed.

After all, he's more than okay with the two of them holding each other close if it means that he can take it easy with the woman he loves. "I like that idea, and I can see that you have something on your mind that you need to talk to me about; something that you want to talk to me about, somewhere other than in bed." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "I think it'd just be easier to keep the stressful conversations out here." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "You stressed right now?" Gabby took a breath, due to the fact that she did feel a little bit of stress (unfortunately). She's just surprised that she's being so open, and honest about the entire thing. "Yeah, I guess I am. I just..." Matt then proceeded to grab the back of Gabby's head, before bringing her lips to his and kissing her softly. "Hey, no need to explain. Let's just drink our wine, and then we can hold each other close." Gabby agreed with Matt.

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