Too Comfortable (and Turned On) to Get Up...Other than to Take a Bath - Part One

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Hello Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. But first, I want to apologize for starting late as that's the last thing that I wanted to do. Originally, I was going to wait for a delivery that I'm expecting; but I'm more than ready to write now. And who knows, maybe this will lead to it showing up faster. Hope you guys like today's chapters. Thanks again for reading.

Now that was exactly what they both wanted. They wanted to enjoy some intimate time with each other, where they were nothing more than lovers. The best of lovers, especially after how AMAZING Matt was as he took her in his arms. As he made her feel like the most important woman in the woman and did so effortlessly. Now that was something that Gabby truly enjoyed and will always enjoy when it comes to how her husband makes love to her. How he does it without even having to think about what he needs to do. He just has to do it, and make her feel loved; heck, she's still making her feel he held her on his chest, shortly after giving her everything that she just wanted this morning. But the truth was, that wasn't only everything that she wanted; rather, it was everything that he wanted as well. He wanted to take his wife in his arms just as much as she wanted him to do that for her, if not more.

After all, what's sexier then the feeling of the woman you love being naked under you; as you make sweet, passionate love to her? If you can find an answer to that question, please let Matt know as he most certainly can't think of one; one that will adequately compare to the way he's feeling right now. Because right now, he's just so happy; and the smile on his face is as big as it's ever been. While at the same time, he made sure to show Gabby that he loves her; something he did by putting his hand on her leg and stroking it with his thumb as a way to tell her that he's awake. But Gabby still couldn't know that, as she was fast asleep on Matt's chest, which is the most adorable sight in the world. After all, she looks extremely comfortable here on his chest, which is why Matt is making sure that he doesn't move too much; as he doesn't want to wake Gabby up, when she seems to be very comfortable here on his chest.

But at the same time, he doesn't just want to stay still due to the fact that his beautiful wife looks quite comfortable at the moment; as there was another reason, a reason which was related to how sexy she looks on his chest. And while she may not be awake at the moment, that doesn't mean that Matt doesn't absolutely LOVE the sight of her sleeping on his he most certainly does. And he'll always love the sight of his beautiful wife sleeping on his chest, because there's nowhere else he'd rather have her sleep. As it allowed him to take a bit of time to admire her and allow his hands to roam around the naked body that he was currently admiring; well, until Gabby woke up as she was doing so right now. She was waking up, but staying on his chest, which is exactly where Matt hopes to let her stay for a while so that he doesn't need to get uncomfortable. He wants her to stay absolutely still, where she is.

"I thought we agreed that we weren't having sex today."

Laughing, Matt agreed with Gabby as that was a deal that they made with each other; they both agreed that they weren't going to have sex with each other, at least not until later. "Well, only during the day. We both know that we were going to have sex at some point." Smiling, Gabby then proceeded to roll off Matt's chest as she wanted to look at him, which meant that he had to roll over onto his side as well, which he promptly did so, as he wanted to look at his beautiful wife. 


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