Always Expect the Unexpected

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Hi Readers: Before we begin, I want to just say something; and it's about the other stories that you have may have seen on my profile. Recently, I have been trying to write more stories; however, I keep giving up because I loose my way. And I truly believe that it's due to the fact that I struggle writing two stories at once. And that's why I have decided to return to only writing The Caseys full-time. That means more chapters each and every day, rather than just your usual one chapter per day. Hope you guys like that idea. Thanks again for your patience in my attempts to write other stories, but I promise that I'm back and ready to give you more of this long story.

Kapiolani-Tripler AMC – That was not the answer that he was hoping to have to deal with for the last question, the question that was related to Stella; as he wasn't ready to go down that path, since that was just going to cause him a bunch of pain from many people. That, and she's Gabby's best friend still; and he was still hoping to try and fix that, but in the future. And of course, she's also his best friend's wife; and that was why he wasn't thinking of doing that, because he knows that his friend is not going to like that answer. In fact, he already knows that he doesn't like the answer to that question as he just texted him. 'Stella is suspended until you're out! That's ridiculous man. I want to support you, but that's not fair when it comes to our finances!' And that was why Matt was mad.

Taking a breath, Matt just read the text all over again before trying to calm down; after all, the last thing that he needs is to have to deal with this when he has three kids and a wife in the hospital. Those are the people he should be concentrating on, and why he was on leave at the moment; but now that Antonio said that, he was going to have to deal with a bunch from many other people. Why couldn't they just not answer questions when he's not there? He told them not to answer anything that could make his life harder, but that's exactly what they did; and now, Matt was going to have to deal with it here in the hospital right now. And that was something that Gabby could tell. "I can only assume that something went wrong with the press conference?" Matt took a breath and sighed.

Especially since it had to happen today, when he's about to leave to go be with somebody, which was actually one of the reasons why Kelly was texting him, and why he wasn't at the press conference today. 'I'm going to be at the hospital in 20 for my appointment. Expect us to talk if you decide to join me.' Taking a breath, Matt put his phone up to his forehead and shook his head. "Oh, just your idiot of a brother screwing things up for me." Gabby was confused as she heard Matt say that, unsure as to just how Antonio screwed things up for him. "Okay, what are you talking about?" Matt sighed as he turned his head and looked at Gabby. "Kelly listened and heard everything that your brother said when he answered that question." Gabby just looked at Matt as he said that.

"I thought that we were suspending her for what she did to us?"

Taking a breath, Matt looked at his wife as he saw that her BP was raising. "Okay, take a breath and relax first; okay? Remember that you're in the hospital and need to breathe." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, well aware that was the case. "But listen, here's the thing. The truth is, I was planning on keeping Stella on right now. We need someone there who's been there from the start." Gabby was shocked. "Are you kidding me Matt? You want me to work with her?" Matt sighed. "No. And she's not working here in Hawaii. Just hear me out." Gabby agreed with her husband, agreeing to do just that as he normally has pretty good ideas. "I was going to send her to work out of the Los Angeles office for a while, until we can work things out over the phone." Gabby bit her lip.

After all, is that really going to work. "Do you really think that would be something that would work?" Matt shrugged. "Who knows? Gabby, I love Stella; she's my sister and Kelly's wife. But what she did to you was unforgivable." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "But that doesn't mean that I'm going to just punish her, when they have twins. We barely pay them enough, because they delayed their salaries. They have twins, and I want to help provide for them. I may be mad at Stella, but I'm not mad at Kelly; and I am not punishing him and his kids, just because I want to punish Stella." Taking a breath, Gabby agreed with her husband as that most certainly was something that she truly loved about her husband; how selfless and loving he is.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now