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Hi Readers: I hope you guys enjoyed yesterdays chapters. Sorry that there were only a couple, but I'm ready to keep going with today's chapters. I hope that you guys like them and are ready to give them a shot, as I hope to give you more than two chapters. Let's hope I do just that as we continue this story and keep following Matt & Gabby's new chapter in Chicago with all the twists and turns that come with it. After all, we both know that nothing can be easy when it comes to the two of them and Chicago. Thanks for reading.

Walking out of the bathroom shortly after finishing up in the shower, Matt smiled as he absolutely loved the sight in front of him; as it was the sight of his gorgeous wife putting one of his dress shirts on top of her lingerie, and let's just say that really turned her husband on. I mean, what husband doesn't LOVE the idea of his wife wearing HIS clothes. But it was also for another reason, and that was due to the fact that he loved the lingerie that his wife was wearing; because it was lingerie that he was going to get a chance to enjoy later. But right now, he and Gabby are on their way out of the house for a while; and that's due to the fact that they just feel like they need to get out and get some fresh air. But they only realized that thanks to Andy, and him bringing his leach into their room. And him doing that made them both realize that it was a great idea, as it was something easy that they can do as a couple as they just take it easy.

As they take it easy and relax with each other, because that's exactly what they need to do together right now. They need to relax and take it easy as they celebrate Valentine's Day in March; yes, that's a thing. Well, at least for them it is; because that's what he and Gabby are celebrating today, Valentine's Day in March. And there's nothing else that he'd rather celebrate today, while getting some quality alone time with Gabby; even though he also knows that this secretly doubles as the day where he gets his birthday sex, but he's fine with that. And that's due to the fact that it means that he's going to get to spend more time with his kids on his birthday...and that's something that he wants to do more than anything, as he loves being a father; a father to his and Gabby's four beautiful children: Matteo, Noah, Bella, and Sofia. But right now, he wants to take a bit of time with his wife, which is exactly what he's doing.

He's spending some time alone with Gabby, as they take some "mommy-daddy time" with each other; where they are nothing more than lovers, really sexy lovers. I mean, do you really expect Matt to not expect SOME action when they're celebrating Valentine's Day in March? Well, that's definitely what he's going to get later; but right now, he's concentrating on what he needs to do in the present. And that would be to give his beautiful wife the help that she doing up her shirt. "You need some help?" Looking up at Matt as she stood at the end of their bed, Gabby sighed before agreeing with him as she does need some help with her shirt. The stupid shirt that just refuses to co-operate with her, but might co-operate with Matt; after all, he's an expert when it comes to shirt buttons...both when he does them up and undoes them so that they can get sexy with each other in bed. Only time will tell.

"Maybe these stupid buttons will co-operate with you."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, clearly hearing the frustration in her voice, which is why he decided to do something prior to doing up the shirt; and that would be to walk right up to her and move his hands to her sides inside the shirt. After which, he tugged her body right against his with the hopes of calming her down; or at least, pleasing her and changing her mind a bit when it came to the frustration that she was just feeling of the fact that she didn't seem to be able to do up her own damn shirt. And that was due to the fact that it allowed her to concentrate on something else, the man she loves; the man who's chest she just placed her hands upon, prior to leaning up and kissing him softly. "I love you." Moving his hand to the side of Gabby's face, Matt smiled as he leaned in and kissed her softly. "I love you too, but you need to breathe babe." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before doing as she was told.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now