Happy Birthday Daddy, Part Four

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Hi Readers: I hope that you guys enjoyed that quick Halstead chapter. However, I decided that's going to be the end of our visit to the Halsteads; and that's due to the fact that it's Matt's birthday, and I would rather be with The Casey Family on his birthday. So, that's exactly what we're going to do; we're going to stay with The Casey Family for a bit. Hope you guys continue to enjoy the story.

Casey Home – He had to say, the deal that he just made with his mother was one that he couldn't pass up; if he came to spend time with her and the kids in the living room, then he and Gabby could have some alone time during and after their nap. So, as long as they're out here with them until the kids' nap time; then they would get some alone time with each other, and their mothers would take care of them when they wake up from their naps. And that most certainly was a deal that they couldn't pass up. I mean, it's the best deal in the entire world. As long as they spend a bit of time with their family, then they can get time alone after lunch. So, that's exactly what Matt and Gabby are going to do. They're going to spend some time with their family until lunch, so that they get that time alone after lunch. I mean, what couple can say no to that? But right now, that's not what they're concentrating on.

The time that they can have together is something that they're going to concentrate on later. Right now, they're going to concentrate on the fact that they're currently spending some time with their family. "I'm glad that you came downstairs Matt." Matt laughed as he heard his mom say that, especially since she knows that there was a good reason why he came down here. "What man can say no coming downstairs when presented with such an enticing offer?" Slapping Matt's chest, Gabby looked at her husband. "Remember that time alone with me can only happen if I want time alone with you." Matt laughed as he heard Gabby say that. "Yeah, because you're going to pass up time alone with me." Gabby shook her head as she heard Matt say that, before walking away so that she can set Bella and Sofia down in their bouncing chairs; but she soon realized that she was going to need some assistance from Matt.

So, she stood up and turned around to face the man she loves. "Matt, can you please set the boys and their toys down? I need some help." Looking up, Matt soon realized that was the case; so, he went ahead and proceeded to carry the boys (and their toys) over to their play pen where they were going to relax with each other. "There you go boys; you guys just relax here and play with each other." Gabby laughed. "The bag?" Matt nodded. "I can do it when we have the girls in the chair." Gabby nodded, until they heard his mom speak to them. "I can do it for the two of you Matt." Turning to look at his mother, Matt got worried. "Just make sure that you take it easy and don't strain your back mom." Nancy agreed with her son as he said that. "I know Matt, I know that I can't strain my back." Matt agreed with his mother as she said that, before going to give the bag of toys to his mother. That way, the boys can play.

"Thanks mom."

Nancy agreed with her son as he said that. "It's no problem Matt. And thanks for your concern with regards to my back." Matt agreed with his mom as she said that, as he will always be concerned when it comes to how she feels. "Mom, I'm always going to be concerned when it comes to your health and wellbeing." Nancy agreed with her son as he said that, well aware that was the case; after all, that's what a son does for his mother. He worries about her health and wellbeing. "Thanks Matt, but I got it; just worry about your family." Matt took a breath but agreed with his mother (reluctantly); something that didn't go unnoticed by Gabby, as she could see that Matt agreed to not worry about her health and wellbeing, and just concentrate on their family. "Take a breath and relax baby." Matt agreed with his wife, before making his way over to the chairs; after which he bent down and set Bella down in her chair.

Turning his head as he set Bella down, Matt made sure to look at his mother one more time to just ensure that she wasn't hurt at the moment; and let's just say that was something that really made Gabby love her husband so much more. The way he has such a big heart for anyone and everybody, it's just the best thing about her husband. He truly does want the best for everybody, which makes her feel so blessed when it comes to how he chose her to be his wife. No that she was his first choice, but that's okay due to the fact that she's his last choice; and the person he chooses to be with each and every day from this day forward. But right now, she needs to snap into it; especially since she's starting to worry her husband, who just placed his hand on her back as he spoke to her. "Hey, you okay Gabby?" Turning her head, Gabby agreed with her husband as she was okay. "Yeah, I'm okay." Matt then stepped close to her.

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