The Caseys' Definition of Perfect

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys have been enjoying the story and are ready to see what happens in the future. All I know is that I am so glad that we finally have our favorite couple home, as it means that everybody is all safe and sound. And that's exactly what I am going to portray, as I continue to write this story starting with this chapter. Enjoy readers.

Walking out of the bathroom with Gabby in his arms this afternoon, Matt smiled as he was truly happy that he was doing this for his bride; after all, this is something that he didn't get to do when they got married. He never got to carry her over the threshold of their home, and that was due to the fact that they had Louie at the time. But who knew that just three years later, that they would have the most amazing set of children that they could've ever asked for. And even better, they have each other and this beautiful life here in Hawaii; a life that Matt will always cherish, as he truly does love his wife more than anything. And he's going to show her that, as he showers her with love and just gives her a bunch of his attention. Attention that she's been owed for a long time, as she needs it.

She needs to have a day where she can just lay back and relax as she takes it easy in bed; especially after having to spend all those months in the hospital, worrying about all of their children. But now, they're home and just taking it easy with each other; and finally, they actually have a space that they can call their own. And sure, it may not be the most secluded of spaces; but it's still a space that they can call their own, and where they can't be disturbed by the outside world. And that would be their bedroom, where they feel extremely bless to be safe and together at this time; a time that is quite stressful for both parents, as they have four young children. Children whom they know are much more at risk when it comes to getting COVID-19, and whom they do not want to have catch it.

And unfortunately, that's why they're here at the big house; so that they can stay away from everybody, and so that they can still have time outside. Because being here, it means that they can have access to a pool all the time; and that's just something that he and Gabby enjoy, as it's a place to have fun and relax...but right now, they're going to relax somewhere else. They're going to relax in bed with each other, as they hold each other close and just cuddle up to each other in bed. And that, that's exactly what Matt and Gabby both want; they both want to hold each other close, as they take it easy with each other in bed. "Okay, I think we're closes enough to the bed now Matt, you can set me down." Turning his head as he heard Gabby say that, Matt smirked as he was really happy.

After which, he leaned in and proceeded to kiss the woman he loves. "Who said that I want to set you down, when I love holding you in my arms?" Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, as she most certainly does enjoy the feeling of him holding her in his arms like this as well; I mean, what wife wouldn't love the feeling of the man of her dreams holding her in his arms as he carried her to their bed? And since that's exactly what Matt just did, Gabby couldn't help but smile. Yet, at the same time, both parents knew what they wanted to do right now; and that would be to lay down in bed with each other, as they hold each other close and just take it easy with each other. And that all starts with her loving husband laying her down in bed, so that they can relax in each other's arms.

"Baby, we already have the covers open so that it's nice and easy for you to set me down."

Matt agreed with Gabby, before finally agreeing to do just that; to finally set her down in bed, so that she can get comfortable ahead of him joining her. "Just promise me that you don't get too comfortable alone." Matt said, as he laid his gorgeous bride down in their bed; to which Gabby responded by reaching up and grabbing his hand. "I wouldn't dream of it, because I am much more comfortable when I have the man I love here in bed with me." Smirking, Matt agreed with Gabby as he leaned over her and proceeded to kiss her softly. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that he loves her, which she most certainly knows better than anybody. "I think we both know that you love me." Matt agreed with Gabby, before moving to steal another kiss from the woman he loves.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now