RE: The Wedding of Joe Cruz & Chloe Allen, Part 2

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Looking at his beautiful wife as he set her down in bed, Matt smiled due to the fact that she looked very beautiful at the moment. So beautiful, that he really didn't want to set her down; yet at the same time, he knew that he had to so that they could get comfortable in bed with each other. That way, they could hold each other and talk about everything that they both had on their minds. And that was crucial for Gabby to do especially, as Matt could clearly see that her wheels were spinning at the moment, which is the last thing that he wants to happen when she's this stressed, and that's why he decided to lean over her. He leaned over her, so that he could give something to his beautiful wife; and that would be a sweet kiss, which she most certainly did enjoy. And he knew that was the case, based on the fact that she just placed her hand on his face as she took things nice and slow with him. "Now, this I like." Matt agreed.

"I had a feeling that you would like how I take things nice and slow with you, when you need me to do it the most."

Gabby agreed with Matt, as she knew that was a fact; that it was at these times where she really needs Matt to take things slow with her, as it allows her to relax and take it easy with the man she loves. But now, it was time for Matt to do something else; and that would be to join her in bed, just like she wants him to do. "Can you get in bed with me now, though? I would really appreciate it if you did." Matt agreed with his wife, well aware that she would appreciate it if he got in bed with her, because she always loves it when they're in bed with each other. "Is there a certain reason why you want me in bed?" Gabby smiled as she looked at her beautiful husband, wanting him to climb on top of her and give her something. "I want a nice kiss with you before we keep talking." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before climbing into bed with her so that he can hold her close as they take it easy with each other.

Because they aren't having sex yet, not when they already have so much on their minds; and due to the fact that he only wants to be thinking of Gabby when he makes love to her. But Matt has to say, her just wearing this lingerie that she's wearing really does help him concentrate on his wife; because she looks really sexy in it...hell, she always looks sexy in whatever lingerie she wears for him. That's a truth that Matt will never deny, especially not when her wearing lingerie makes him go crazy; and it makes him want to get in bed with her, as he takes things nice and slow with her. And right now, that's exactly what Matt plans on doing; he plans on getting in bed with his beautiful wife, so that he can take things nice and slow with her. Something that Gabby most certainly knew, as she watched him climb on top of her; while at the same time, he also tugged the covers up on top of her...just like she wanted him to do today.

"God, you really do know exactly what I want whenever you get in bed with me; don't you?"

Matt smirked, as he most certainly does; and he was going to show that to her, as he laid down on top of her and put his hand on her neck. Doing the same, Gabby smiled as she leaned up and took things nice and slow with Matt on his birthday; because after all, this is exactly what her husband wants to do right now. And if he wants to take things slow with her, then who is she to stop him from taking things slow with her. Plus, it's kind of hot when they take things nice and slow with each other. And that's exactly what they did right now. They took things nice and slow with each other, as they held each other close in bed; that was, until Matt laid down on top of her...which started to hurt. "Ow..." Leaning back, Matt got concerned as he heard Gabby say that. "Hey, you okay?" Gabby nodded. "Yeah, I think you just kneed me somewhere." Matt agreed with Gabby. "Want me to sit up instead?" Gabby nodded.

After all, that might be the better way to do it after she just felt something. "Yeah, I think that would be better." Matt nodded as he heard Gabby say that, while also continuing to be a bit concerned for his wife; but not concerned enough to stop what he was doing, which is moving so that he's sitting up and waiting for his beautiful wife to come cuddle up to him in bed the way she should've in the first place if she was hurting. So, he was going to sit up in bed; while she sat in his lap and cuddled up to him. And the truth is, this is going to be much sexier. So much so, that he was more than ready for his wife to sit in his lap now that he was ready to welcome her. Not that it took long for Gabby to come join him, as she wants to sit with Matt like this too; she wants to sit in his lap, as she cuddles up to him with her hand on his face and her legs in between his. And that's exactly what Gabby did as she got comfortable.

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