Happy Birthday Daddy, Part Sixteen

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Hello Readers: And welcome to your nightly update of The Caseys. I hope that you have been enjoying the chapters that I posted for you today and are ready for one last update about Matt's birthday. Now, let's not waste time and get right to it this evening.

Casey Living Room – After finishing up in the shower and getting dressed for the evening, Matt Casey couldn't wait until his wife was ready to get out here. Get out into the living room, where his four beautiful children were waiting for him to continue celebrating his birthday. So much so, that he told his wife that he was not going to be waiting around; and that once he was dressed, that he was going to be leaving so that he could go be in the living room with their children. And that's precisely what Matt did, he got dressed and made his way out to the living room where his children were waiting to keep celebrating his birthday with him. Well, just as soon as he got Andy all situated. Because the last thing that Matt wanted to do, was have his service dog attack his children; not that he would ever do such a thing, because Andy is the sweetest dog in the entire world. He truly does remind him about his late best friend, which is just another reason why he believed it truly was faith that they were paired up together when they first met in Hawaii months ago.

And now, they go everywhere together; and I mean everywhere. Heck, there are even sometimes where Matt has to tell him to lay down because he wants to follow him. Like the times where he went to go to the bathroom, which most certainly is one of the times where Matt doesn't need his service dog to be with him. And the truth was, he didn't need him at the moment either as he was going to spend some time with his children. More specifically, he was going to be spending some time with his namesake as he was currently crawling up to him the moment he saw him come into the room. "Hey lil' man. Is there a reason why you decided that you want to come see me right away?" Smiling as he looked up at his daddy, Matteo put his arms out due to the fact that he most certainly did want something. And that would be some attention from his father, which he most certainly will get just as soon as he brings his iPad (and keyboard) over to where he was going to sit. Because that was something that he needed to do right now, before he got Matteo.

He needed to set his electronics down, in the place where he was going to sit; and where he most certainly was going to be very comfortable, as he sat down on the couch with his little boy in his arms. "Uh oh, I see the keyboard that you brought out with you Matthew." Turning his head to look at Camila as she said that, Matt snickered as he made his way over to her so that he can hug her. "It's just in case. If I need to reply to an e-mail, I can do it from here in the living room; I don't have to go to my office this time around." Camila agreed with Matt as he told her that, as that made a lot of sense as to what he was doing; he just wanted to be ready just in case he did have to do business at the end of the day. "But god willing, I am not going to have to do any business right now as I would much rather be here and concentrate on what really matters at the end of the day. And that would be these beautiful children here." Camila agreed with Matt as he said that, as that most certainly is something that she believes that the father should do.

He should spend time with his children on his birthday, yet that didn't mean that she didn't understand why he needed to spend a bit of time in bed with Gabby when she needed him to take it easy and just relax with her. But now, they were out here; and she hoped that they were going to stay out here. "So, how long are you guys planning on staying out here this time around?" Matt snickered as he heard Camila say that, well aware that they often go back and forth to their room constantly; but she has no need to worry right now, as he and Gabby don't plan on going anywhere. They were both planning on staying here, with their children until they themselves put them to bed. After which, they will go to bed too and just take it easy. "You have nothing to worry about, as we're going to be staying out here until we put the kids to bed." Camila just looked at the father (and birthday boy) as he said that, not honestly believing him due to the fact that he always says that; but one person whom she will believe, is her daughter.

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