FLASHBACK: Casey Group Private Flight to Chicago, Part 1

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that today I can get more chapters out for you, and that I can get this house unpacked. I know that there's a lot to do, and I am hoping that things can work out great. Thanks again for reading.

Note: I know that these types of planes exist when it comes to passenger jets, but I was thinking of making the Casey Private Jet an Airbus A380. That way, they can have private bedrooms on the flight. Hope you guys like the chapters I write today.

Casey Private A380 Business Jet – Flight from Honolulu Int'l Airport to O'Hare Airport
He was hard at work, reading some e-mails; and replying to some of the e-mails while they were flying home to Chicago today, and not just for business. Rather, it was forever. And that was due to the fact that Matt and Gabby have decided that they need to be in Chicago, as it's their home; and there's nowhere they'd rather be, when it's the only place that they seem to be happy. And now, that's exactly where the couple are headed. They're on their way home, so that they can live their life there and just have fun. Yet at the same time, they were also going to run their business from there, which means that they need to get an office there, but not yet. Matt was actually thinking that they could build an office there rather than buy one, so that it isn't too big. Rather, it would just be one floor.

Heck, maybe they can just keep most of their staff at the Los Angeles and Hawaii offices; while these offices are just the small ones, which do not need too many staff. Heck, maybe he can even just work from home. But that's a conversation for much later, as he and Gabby still had a lot to do. But one thing that Matt was grateful for, was the fact that they already had a home in Chicago; a home where they could sleep tonight, and where they were going to already have a bed set up thanks to a couple of movers that he employed (and Chief Boden). Because that was who was going to let them into the house, Chief Boden. But right now, that was not what Matt was concentrating on as he held Matteo in his arms. Rather, it was the e-mail that he was writing to his New York team.

Yes, you heard that right; Casey now has a New York team, for sales purposes. But at the same time, they were also doing something else. And that was negotiating with Providence Equity Partners and Blue Line Media. But just what are those companies? Well, they are the companies that manage the advertisements in Times Square (in the case of Providence Equity Partners) and for New York City Taxis (in the case of Blue Line Media). And that was why Matt was currently negotiating with them, as he wanted to get some deals. Deals for both Casey-at-large, as well as for Casey Apparel; that way, they can get the most out of their advertising budget. After all, where better to buy ads than in New York City; a big metropolis with a bunch of advertisement, which also get National TV Coverage.

And that's due to the fact that the ads in Times Square can easily be seen on Good Morning America, and the Today Show; two of the biggest morning shows, which Matt most certainly does want to get exposure from. And that was why he was in the midst of working on this personally, as it was a deal that meant a lot to Gabby. Or at least, it would once she found out about it. But right now, she didn't know as he didn't want to get her hopes up; he didn't want her to think that it was already a deal that was set in stone, when that was the furthest from the truth. The deal wasn't set in stone, and there was still a lot to be worked out. But still, Gabby couldn't help but wonder just what her husband was in the midst of doing as he typed away on his laptop today; so, she decided to ask him.

"Baby, why are you typing away so much right now on your laptop?"

Turning his head, Matt smiled as he looked at his wife; because even though he wanted to keep this a surprise, he also knew that he couldn't lie to her. And that meant that he needed to ruin the surprise. But, that was exactly what he decided that he was going to do. He was going to ruin the surprise and tell his wife just what he was in the midst of doing at the moment. "Okay, so you need to remember that this deal is something that I am working on, and that there are no promises when it comes to whether it is even going to happen." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I know that baby. I know that there are no guarantees when it comes to deals that you work on. You don't need to explain that to me." Matt agreed with his wife and smiled.

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