No More Babies...For Now

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out to you, but I'm not going to delay this chapter any longer than I already have. Rather, I am going to go ahead and just get to it (and the conversation Jay and Alex are going to have). Enjoy my dear readers.

Things ended up going a bit further than Jay and Alex originally planned, as they ended up having sex with each other; and let's just say that it was exactly what they both wanted, and what they needed. And even better, it was a great distraction from what they were thinking about right now...and what they are still thinking about right now; well, one of the things that they are still thinking about right now (more on that later). But this is why they did this, why they took time alone; so that they could spend some time with each other and take it easy with each other. So that they could have fun with each other, and just concentrate on each other for a while, which also included having Jay make love to her once, even though it was a long love making session. A long making session which has now turned into a make out session, as that was Jay was currently in the midst of doing with his beautiful wife right now; he was currently making out with his beautiful wife, while wrapping his arm around her back and just hold her close to him right now.

But there was another reason why Jay was in bed with Alex right now, and that was so that he and Alex could talk; and that's exactly what they're going to do, while they calm down after having that amazing sex. More specifically, the best sex of their marriage. Yes, you just heard that right, the best sex of their marriage. But in Jay's mind, it's also sex that could lead to something could lead to them getting pregnant again, which is something that they need to talk about; whether they're ready for a third child, or whether they can just confidently say that they aren't going to get pregnant. And luckily for Alex, that's exactly what she can tell her husband; because she could tell that the thought was in his mind right now, whether she can get pregnant right now. But unfortunately for Jay, he can't get pregnant right now; and that's due to the fact that she got an IUD implanted after she gave birth to the twins, because she's not ready to get pregnant. And let's just say that message was clear to Jay as Alex said: "You don't need to worry about it Jay."

Leaning back as he heard Alex say that, Jay was confused as to just what his wife even meant as she said that. "What are you talking about Alex?" Taking a breath as she looked at the man she loves, Alex put her hand on his cheek and then proceeded to kiss him softly (while also putting her hand on her man's toned chest); meanwhile, Jay moved his hand to Alex's back before stroking it with his thumb. "I'm taking about me getting pregnant again." Jay smiled as he heard Alex say that, because he was glad that they were going to talk about this; and that's due to the fact that they need to talk about it, and the possibilities of it. But first, Jay decided to tug Alex close to his chest; after which, he grabbed her leg and wrapped it around his. That way, he can keep the woman he loves close to him; at the same time, Jay put his hand on her leg and proceeded to stroke it with his thumb. And let's just say that Alex really liked that feeling, especially since she was getting it from the man of her dream; the man who soon ran his hand up her back and held her close.

"So, you'd be okay with getting pregnant again?" Alex was a bit taken aback as she heard Jay say that, as she didn't expect him to say that; to imply that he was okay with them already getting pregnant again and having another baby. "Oh god, you're ready to have another baby?" Jay shrugged as Alex asked him that. "I just don't want to say that I'm not ready if it happens, because I am not going to complain if my wife gives me another baby." Alex took a breath as she heard Jay say that, before moving her hands to his chest; after which, she got close to him and moved to wrap her arms around his neck as they cuddled up to each other. Meanwhile, Jay moved his hand to her back and then ran his hand up and down her back. Bending down, Jay smirked as he proceeded to kiss her neck softly; after which, he started to suck on it. Meanwhile, Alex put her hand on the side of Jay's face and moaned because of how much she loves this feeling. The feeling of Jay sucking on her neck. "So, what are you thinking about the idea of another baby?"

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