Times are Changing, Part Two

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Now this outfit that his beautiful wife was wearing for him most certainly will get her exactly what she wants, his hands all over her; because she looks absolutely sexy in it, and it turns him on so much. And that was the exact reason why she was currently sitting on the counter in their bathroom, rather than have her standing on the ground; as Jay wanted to have her at eye level, as he ran his hands around her body and admired her gorgeous body. And god, is she just the most delicious thing in the entire world as she wears this for him; especially when it comes to him wanting to kiss her body, her neck in particular as it makes her moan. "Oh Jay." Smirking as he heard Alex moan, Jay leaned back and looked at his beautiful wife. "I can only assume that you like this?" Alex agreed with Jay.

"Oh, you know that I love this; and I will always love this feeling, because I absolutely love the feeling of my husband's strong hands all over my body. I mean, be honest with me Jay; did you really not know that I love it, when you have your hands all over my body?"

Jay laughed as he heard Alex say that, before stepping close to her again and leaning in to kiss her softly; taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves, Jay smirked due to the fact that he wants to do something. He wants to pick her up in his arms, and then he'll carry her to bed; because that's exactly what Alex wants him to do right now, carry her to bed. So, that's exactly what Jay's going to do; pick his wife up in his arms and carry her to their bed. "Well, I like the feeling of you picking me up like this." Jay agreed with Alex as he wrapped her legs around his waist, before wrapping his arm around her back; at the same time, Alex wrapped her arms around his neck so that she could stay safe in his arms. And god, does she love being in his arms as he always makes her feel safe.

Just being in Jay's arms makes Alex know that everything's going to be okay, which is something that she wants to (and will) have for the rest of her life. She's going to be in Jay's arms for the rest of her life, as that's how long she plans on being married to her hunk. Because as much as he makes her mad at times, she also knows that she loves him too much to ever leave him; but that doesn't mean that she's not going to accept him apologizing to her. "Alex, I want to apologize for not waking up this morning." Leaning back, Alex looked at Jay. "Jay, it's okay." Jay shook his head as Alex say that, as it wasn't okay. "No, it isn't. And we're going to talk about it when we're in bed; because I want to make sure that we're in a good place." Putting her hands on Jay's face, Alex held him close.

After which, she leaned her forehead against his as she started to get a bit worried. "Jay, do you think we're in a bad place right now?" Jay sighed. "I just don't want to be fighting, or in a big disagreement with you; when we're in the middle of a health crisis, which means that we're going to have to spend a lot of time together." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, as that makes sense. After all, they will be doing just that for a while. "I understand that Jay, and I promise that we're going to talk when we're in bed with each other; because that's where I want to be when I talk to you about this." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, as he felt the same way; he wants to be in bed as they talk about everything that they have on their minds, which they will always do when they need to.


To say that Jay likes the sight of Alex in their bed would be an understatement, because fuckin' loves the sight of his gorgeous wife in their bed; the bed where he gets a chance to make love to her when they're alone, and where he always gets a chance to hold her each and every night. And, of course, whenever they want to be alone with each other in bed; just like they want to be right now, alone and with each other in bed. But there was something else that Jay wanted, and that was to kiss his wife, which is why he climbed into bed with her, and laid down next to her rather than sit up against his pillow. "Jay, what are you doing?" Smirking, Jay proceeded to close the covers on top of his waist and then got close to Alex. "Oh, just what you want." Alex was confused.

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