Happy Birthday Daddy: To Read, or Not to Read (the E-mail)?

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Hello Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters, hopefully one with more updates than yesterday. But one can only hope, of course. Now, I hope that you guys are ready for this; as we all know that we are ready for a wild ride. One where we spend a bunch of time as a family. And right now, that would be Matt spending some quality time with his sons; while the girls take a nap.

Sitting back down on the couch of his living room shortly after putting both of the girls (rather than just Sofia) down for a nap, Matt took a breath as she ended up taking longer than he had expected to go down; and that was due to the fact that both of his girls are now in the phases of their lives that they are starting to get clingy. And that can only mean one thing, which is that they are very fussy when it comes time for them to go down for a nap; something that Camila could clearly see was the case as Matt sat down on the couch today. "Let me guess, both of the girls were clingy as you put them down?" Matt snickered as he set his water bottle down (which he just filled up in the kitchen) due to the fact that most certainly was the case, that his little girls were starting to get quite clingy. "Oh, they most certainly are. But can you blame them? They love their daddy and want to be with him today." Camila agreed.

After all, what daughter wouldn't want to get a chance to spend the day with their father on his birthday; Camila knows that if her father was still alive, that would be exactly where she would want to be...even in the middle of a pandemic. Well, maybe; she isn't too sure about that due to the fact that it may be dangerous for her grandchildren, whom she would still want to see on a regular basis. "Oh, just to let you know; I brought Andy inside." Turning his head, Matt agreed with Camila as he appreciated that. "Thanks Camila, I appreciate that you did that for me. I know that he was outside for a bit, and I didn't want to let him stay outside too long." Camila nodded. "Are you worried that he might get COVID too?" Matt snickered, as he wasn't even sure whether that was a possibility. "Honestly, I have no idea whether that's even possible." Camila agreed with Matt as he said that, as she didn't know either.

All she knew is that she didn't like what she was seeing on the news, as it was quite scary. "Have you been looking at the news lately?" Matt sighed, as he most certainly has. "Camila, is that really a question?" Camila just looked at Matt as he said that, not appreciating his tone. "OK. I know it's your birthday, but I most certainly do not appreciate your tone mister." Matt then realized that she was taking what he said literally, rather than sarcastically. "Sorry, I was being sarcastic Camila." Camila was a bit confused as she heard her yerno say that he was being sarcastic as he answered that question, as she had no idea why he would be answering that question sarcastically. "Is there a reason why you're answering the question sarcastically?" Matt sighed as Camila asked him why he would answer the question sarcastically. "I guess, as a way to ensure that I get a chance to laugh when I have a lot on my mind."

Camila agreed with her son-in-law, having come to realize recently that he truly does have a lot on his mind, which makes her wonder whether he wants to be down here not only so that he can spend some time with his children...well now, just the boys as Bella and Sofia are taking a nap in their room. "Do you need to talk to me about something?" Matt bit his lip, as he wasn't sure whether he wanted to talk about this on his birthday. "Not too sure whether I want to talk about this on my birthday, as that may make Gabby mad." Camila then realized just what her son-in-law was talking about, which would be that it was related to the business. "OK. What's going on?" Matt sighed. "I have sent an e-mail to my representative in Hawaii, hoping to get an update." Camila agreed with Matt. "And let me guess, you're nervous when it comes to the reply that you may get from him?" Matt sighed, as he wasn't sure what to say.

"Heck, I'm not even sure whether I should read the e-mail; as it may make me get worried and make me want to work."

Camila agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case; but the truth was, she's actually expecting that he may want to work at some point. "I had a feeling that was going to be the case at some point." Turning his head, Matt was surprised as he heard Camila say that; due to the fact that he thought that she would be one of the people who are trying to make sure that he DOESN'T work today, rather than be someone who thinks that he may work today. "Now that answer is quite surprising, as I would've thought that you would want me to not work today." Camila agreed with Matt as he said that, as that most certainly is the truth; she doesn't want Matt to work today. Yet at the same time, she also knew the amount of pressure that he had on him based on the conversations that she's had with her daughter since she and Matt first started the company almost a year ago after the boys were born.

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