Home Sweet Home...Again

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in getting another chapter out, as I know it's been a couple hours. But I guess I needed a break and to figure out how I was going to continue. And the way that I'm going to continue, is to skip. I know that I already skipped a bunch, and I have come to realize that I just don't have the idea in my head that I need to write them unpacking; so instead, I am going to do something else. And that would be when Matt and Gabby are alone, after supper. And let's just say that it's going to get sexy.

Nancy's Bedroom – She was currently in the midst of unpacking her clothes, after finally being allowed to come home. Home to her son, as well as the room that she can now call her own; and she had to say, that this is a really nice room. And even better, it was all hers. A room that she could just relax in and have away from the rest of the family. After all, this was the only bedroom that was on this floor; but that didn't mean that it was off limits to a certain somebody, who just so happened to decide that it was time to scare grandma as he hit the back of her legs. Jumping, Nancy got scared. "What the!" Turning around, Nancy looked down to see that Andy was there in her room. "Seriously? That's how you want to say hi to me." And that was when she heard her son, the son who was probably looking for his dog. "I can only assume that Andy is in here this evening?" Smiling, Nancy agreed.

After all, that's exactly where her son's service dog is. "Yes, he's in here sweetheart." Walking up to her floor, Matt took a breath as he looked at Andy. "Andy, what did I tell you? I said upstairs to our room, go down boy. Down to the bedroom." Yipping, Andy agreed before walking downstairs so that he could make his way to the primary suite where he was going to stay with Matt and Gabby; as he always does, due to the fact that he's Matt's service dog. "Sorry about that mom." Nancy shook her head as she heard Matt say that. "It's more than okay Matt. What do we have here?" Matt smiled. "I got you a set of towels that you can use." Nancy looked at her son as he said that. "You're too kind, and you're spoiling me Matt. I mean, this room is already enough." Shaking his head, Matt smiled as he walked up to his mother while setting the towels on the bed; after all, nothing was too much for his mother whom he loves.

And that was exactly what he was going to convey to her. "Mom, nothing is too much for you; I promise that, and I am just glad that you're okay being in Chicago again." Nancy smiled as she heard her son say that. "Matt, there's nowhere I'd rather be. My children, and grandchildren are all here. Sure, could I do without the cold? Of course, I could. But I know that this is where you need to be." Matt agreed with his mother as she said that, as that most certainly is the truth. "Just know that we may not spend all the time here, we may go to Hawaii sometimes as a trip here and there; and if I need to do business there, then we'll travel." Nancy smiled as she heard her son tell her that. "I had no doubt that would be the case, just not during the pandemic." Matt agreed with his mom, as they were done travelling during the pandemic. "Right. Now listen, there's another reason why I want you here." Nancy laughed.

After all, she already knew that there was another reason. "And that reason would be to help with the kids, while you work on business sometimes?" Matt sighed, as he agreed with his mother. "I was hoping that you could help out when they're here, as I know that Gabby's going to want to work as well; and I would really like you to get that experience, the one you could've gotten with Christie." Nancy smiled as she heard her son say that, well aware that was the case. "And so far, I am, and I will always be grateful for what you've given me a chance to do." Matt smiled as he heard his mother say that, well aware that was the case. He then got close to her and hugged his mother. Meanwhile, Nancy hugged her son and smiled. "I love you mom." Nancy agreed with Matt as he told her that. "I love you too, and I am so proud of the man that you've become." Matt smiled as he heard his mom say that.

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