The Press Conference

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Hi Readers: And welcome to your daily update of The Caseys, and boy is today's update going to be spicy. Now, I'm not going to spoil anything, but I am going to make sure that things are well done. Hope you guys like it and let me know what you think of this chapter.

Casey Headquarters – 8th Floor: Andrew Darden Memorial Press Room
He was still nervous as hell, as he stood in the hallway right outside the press room; the press room where he was going to be speaking on behalf of the company for the first time, but for the best of reasons. There are no doubts in his mind that this is the right thing to do, as he would want Matt to do the same thing for his family if he were in the same position as him. But of course, he hopes that he will never be in this situation with Jane; the love of his life, and the woman who just sent him a nice text message (which Rafael was in the middle of reading). 'You got this Raf. Me and Matteo are watching. -XO Jane' And that was all he needed right now, her support. Because if Jane thought that he could do this, then he knew that he could do it; and that he could always do it, now to just do it.

And that was when he was finally brought back to the present, by the woman who owns his room on a regular basis, the Senior Executive Vice-President and Chief Communications Officer of Casey, Ms. Heather Darden. After all, she was the one who needed to speak first; that way, she could introduce the entire team and make sure that the press knew who was going to be speaking today. But first, she needs to get her boss' attention. "Rafael." Turning his head in the direction of Heather, Rafael smiled. "Yes, uhm..." Heather smiled, as she could tell that he was nervous; after which, she proceeded to remind him of her name. "Heather Darden, the Executive Vice-President and Chief Communications Officer." Rafael agreed with Heather, before realizing what she was trying to tell him.

And that would be that she had to go first, as she was going to be speaking first; after all, she is the one who needs to introduce them. "Right." Smiling at him, Heather then put her hand on his arm to give him reassurance. "Rafael, just take a breath and relax. I promise you right now, that everything will go okay; you'll do fine, and everything will go smoothly as you aren't doing this alone. Just remember to breathe and take it easy." Rafael smiled as he heard Heather say that, before watching as Christie made her way over to him. "She's right Rafael. You got this. Matt chose you for a reason, and he is going to make sure that you do everything right." Rafael smiled as he heard both of the women say that, as that was exactly what he needed as a reassurance that it'll all be okay.

And right now, that was especially what he needed when he was about to address the press. "Okay, let's do this. But first, let me take a look at everybody and just double check that we all look good." Everybody agreed, before turning to look at Rafael; after which, he smiled as they all looked good. "Okay, can someone just check me now?" Walking up to him, Christie smiled as she proceeded to adjust his tie so that it was straight. "You're going to do fine Rafael, and you have nothing to worry about. Just take a breath and take it easy today." Rafael agreed with Christie as she said that, before smiling as he did just that; after which, he turned to look at everybody. "Are we all ready to go?" Everybody nodded in agreement, as they most certainly are ready to go. They're ready to do this together.


Walking up to the podium shortly after everybody walked into the press room and stood in order at the back of the stage; Heather Darden took a deep breath and smiled as she looked ahead at the media that was assembled, as she knew that she can't screw up. But at the same time, she knew that she could never let Matt down; they are still learning to do this, and they are not professionals at it yet. In the future, they will be. But for now, they just need to take it easy and relax. And that's exactly how she's going to approach this. She's going to take it easy, and just relax for the duration of the press conference. But first, she actually needs to start it. And that's exactly what Heather Darden went ahead and did, she started the press conference where they would appeal to the public.

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