You Nervous? (Gym)

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Hi Readers: And welcome to your daily update of the Caseys. Now, I know that this is a story about the Caseys; and therefore, I should start with them most days. But based on where the storyline currently is, I believe that I instead need to just go with the flow and follow my heart as to where this story should go; and right now, that's not right back to Matt and Gabby. Rather, it's to stay with our Acting Chairman and CEO Rafael Solano; as well as his wife Interim Chief Creative Officer for Casey Creations, Jane Solano.

"Okay, thanks mom. You have no idea how much I appreciate this."

Her mother couldn't help but agree as her daughter thanked her for coming to take care of her own grandson, as she was more than okay with doing it; especially since her daughter has a great job, as does her son-in-law. "Jane, I already told you; me and your abuela are more than okay to come spend some time with Matteo whenever you and Rafael need to work." Jane agreed with her mother as she said that, before smiling as she thought about just how lucky she is; how lucky she is to have both her mother (whose name is Xiomara) and her grandmother (whose name is Alba) in her life. The fact that there are four generations of her family still living is something that she appreciates more each and every day, because it isn't very common in the northern US, the South? Much more. And that's due to the fact that there are lot more families with Hispanic heritage, who tend to have children at a much younger age; and it turned out that she followed in that trend, as she had Matteo in her mid-20s. Meanwhile, her husband is only a few years older than her; because yes, Jane likes herself some older men. "I love that abuela is going to join you, because I want Matteo to learn Spanish; because here in Hawaii, we don't get to do that as much. And I hope that you know just how much I also appreciate the fact that you guys moved here." Xiomara laughed as she heard her daughter say that, as that was always going to happen; I mean, she does want to be in her grandson's life. And that is why she wants to be here, so that she can be in Matteo's life; and always will want to be.

"Jane, you weren't going to get rid of me that easily; I want to be in my grandson's life, and my future granddaughter's life?"

The mother said, clearly asking whether she and her husband were already trying for a daughter, which is something else that is pretty common in Hispanic families, having children closes in age. Well, at least in their family. "Oh, calm down mom, I am working at a great company, and I want to just get this started; plus, Raf is really busy right now. He's taken over as acting Chairman and CEO on a temporary basis while his boss is in the hospital with his daughters." Xiomara agreed with her daughter, well aware that was the case. "I know, I read all of the statements that the company released. Did that really happen though?" Jane agreed with her mother. After all, everything in that statement was the truth; and it all happened. "Yeah, it did happen. And I just feel horrible for Mr. and Ms. Casey. But listen, I just wanted to make sure that you and Abuela are going to be here today, because me and Raf need to get to the office earlier today so that we can get ready for the press conference." Xiomara agreed with her daughter once more, before taking a breath. "How is Raf feeling about all of this? He nervous?" Walking through the house, Jane took a breath as she was wondering the exact same thing. "I was actually just going to talk to him about it. Want to make sure that he's okay ahead of all of this." Xo agreed.

"Good. And let him know that he has nothing to worry about when it comes to Matteo. We've got him, and you can concentrate on work."

Jane laughed as she heard her mother say that, as that was never going to happen. "Mom, we're parents; do you really think that's going to happen? We're always going to worry about our son, because I know that you always worry about me." Xo agreed with her daughter as she said that, well aware that was the case. "I should've realized that was the case, I mean...I am a mother." Jane laughed as she heard her mom say that. "Do you not think abuela doesn't still worry about you? I mean, look how she was when you remarried dad." Xo agreed with her daughter as she said that. "Maybe I should bring him instead?" Jane laughed. "Wow, bright idea mom." Xo sighed. "Shut up Jane. Now listen, I am going to figure out who I am going to bring and get ready. How about you just get Matteo ready?" Jane smiled. "He's not awake yet. I'm letting him sleep in so that we can get ready. Then, he's not going to be as awake as we leave, and he'll just want to cuddle up to his Abuela." Xo laughed. "Well, that's a smart idea." Jane agreed with her mother as she said that. "Listen, I need to go. See you later." Jane then proceeded to end the call before walking up to the gym in her and Raf's home; and god, did she love the sight in front of her. The sight of her husband working out, which is something that Rafael noticed this morning.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now