Lunch Time: The Secret is Out

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the last chapter that I wrote for you guys? Did you like the way I handled the first call between Gabby and Stella for a while? Well, I hope you did. Now, I am not going to waste time in writing this note; as I believe that this is going to be the only update that you guys are getting in this story, for now. And that's due to the fact that I want to concentrate on my other story for now. But at this moment, I want to continue this story. Hope you guys like where this story is going and continue to enjoy.

He could already tell that Gabby was having a hard conversation, based solely on the stress that he heard in her voice as he approached their hospital suite this afternoon; and he could already tell the reason why that was the case, based solely on the name that he heard his wife say during the call. And that name was that of Ms. Stella Kidd (or is it Severide?) Honestly, Matt doesn't even know at this point what name his best friend's wife is using; whether she's using her marital name, or her maiden name. But at the moment, that doesn't matter to him; because he has more pressing matters to take care to, which would be his wife and making sure that she was okay. And that all started by asking her a simple a question, which he could only hope that she could answer for him.

"How hard was it to make that call to Stella?"

Turning her head as she heard Matt walk into their hospital suite, Gabby took a breath as she looked at Matt; well aware that she could easily be headed for another fight, as she made the phone call while he wasn't there. But still, she can only hope that her husband isn't mad that she did so. "Okay, I know what you're thinking." A bit perplexed by the statement that his wife just made, Matt proceeded to make his way over to the table that he and Gabby had at the end of their bed; that way, he can set their food down and get Andy all set up. He could take off his leach, and make sure that he can relax; after which, he would wash his hands and do something that he always likes to do whenever he gets a chance to do it. And that would be go check on his girls: Bella, and Sofia.

"Oh, so you can read minds now?"

Shaking her head as she heard Matt make a joke, Gabby sighed as she didn't really want to joke when this is a serious matter; especially when she knows that she shared some information with her best friend, information that the couple have yet to share with the rest of the board. "Yeah, we need to talk about this conversation." Matt was confused as he heard Gabby say that, quite confused as to just what they had to talk about; but at the same time, he was also confused...which led him to ask the following: "That bad?" The question being in reference to the conversation that she just had with her best friend, if she can call her that at the moment; and whether the call was so bad, that Gabby felt like she needed to talk to him a lot. "Because I can wait to get the lunch out."

Shaking her head as Matt mentioned that he can wait to take their lunch out, Gabby proceeded to shut that idea down due to the fact that she was hungry; and right now, she was going to eat. "All I can say is that we are not bringing the boys here today." Matt sighed as he heard Gabby say that, clearly able to see that something was really wrong right now; and that was why Matt decided that he was going to stop what he was doing and make his way over to his wife. Because as much as he wants to eat with her, he can see that she needs him at the moment; and that was why he needed to sit with her. He needed to sit down with the woman he loves, so that he can make sure that she knows just how much he truly loves her...and how much he wants her to be okay with all of this.

Because if there's one thing that Matt remembers from their first time around here in the NICU, it's that Gabby always needed that extra bit of comfort and support; and he can only suspect that's the same here in the hospital right now. So, he wants to make sure that he does the right thing and support his wife to the best of his abilities; because the last thing that he wants to do, is make her feel like she was going through this alone (which she will never do). They are in this together and will always be in this together; because he loves her, and he's her husband first. The company can fail for all he cares, but he will still be happy because he has Gabby and the kids. "Here, how about you move over a bit so that I can hold you in my arms? Then we can take a minute to talk before lunch."

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