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Hi Readers: And long-time no see, for me at least. I know that I haven't updated this story in a bit, and I am sorry for that. But I wanted to really get my other story going, before I give you another update. Now, that doesn't mean that this one will be long; as it won't. I may just spend a bit of time, and update here and there just to give you some more things to look forward too. But still, I hope to keep updating this story in the future whenever I can. But just be warned that this is going to be my last update for a while as I want to dedicate my time to the other story. But like I said, I will post from time to time when I get ideas; ideas like the one I have now.

Setting her iPad aside after updating her blog, Gabby took a breath as she knew that was probably going to get a lot of traction; but at the same time, it felt good. It felt good to get how she was feeling off her chest, and just take a minute to relax and vent. And the truth was, she didn't know just how much she really needed to do that; how much she needed to just take a moment to vent on her blog, and let her words flow. Because now, things are so much clearer; and it gave her some time to think about what she needed to say, and maybe even what she's been holding back from Matt...which is something that she most certainly doesn't want to do. But right now, this is where she is; she's in a place where she feels like she needs to hold back so that she doesn't explode, but that she also knows that she should share with her husband. That she should tell him what's going on, and just how she feels at the moment. And she just hopes that post was something that could help her husband figure out what was going on in her head, and maybe they could even talk about it; but for now, she was just going to take it easy. At least, she was until she got a text message from someone.

And while she did think that she could ignore it, she also knew that a lot of their friends from back home read their blog; and that might be who was contacting her at the moment, someone from the firehouse who wants to get a picture of the girls. After all, that was something that she promised them that she would do if they texted her; she would send them a picture of the girls, but not yet. After all, they are still so young, and they aren't really ready to get a picture of. But the truth was, that was not what the text she just got was about; nor was it from somebody that she expected to get a text from. Rather, it was a text from the last person that she expected to get a text from; especially based on how their relationship currently stands, and what she just put her through. And god, she even asked her for something that she didn't want to send to anybody (let alone her, who caused her to give birth early). And if you haven't guessed yet, then I'll point out just who's currently texting Gabby. And that would be the person who caused this to go down in the first place: none other than, Ms. Stella Kidd. God, the nerve of her to even ask her for a picture right now.

Oh, and the way she just texted her. 'Hey, just read your post; hope you and the girls are feeling better, I'd love a picture." Just reading that, Gabby was absolutely shocked at what she just read. I mean, is she serious? Is she really just going to glance over the fact that she caused this to happen? That she was the one that caused her to go into premature labor, and for them to have the girls this early? I mean, does Stella really think she has the right to get pictures; I mean, she really has guts. Gabby would understand if KELLY texted her to ask, as he might think that she may have more updated pictures than her husband (he does actually); but for Stella to do it through her own phone, well that just takes a lot of guts. And she's going to make sure that she knows that, and she's going to do it now. And no, not just by texting her; rather, she's going to do it by calling her and letting her have a piece of her mind. Because that seems to be what Stella needs right now; a dose of reality to make her realize that this is now about her. This is about what she needs.

God, the woman really can't give her a break. But now, she's going to give her a break; because it's what she needs. Well, right after she gets a call from her; and a dose of reality, especially after how she just answered the phone. "Gabby, thank god. How are you..." Interrupting Stella, Gabby was shocked. "Seriously? You really think that you can talk to me like this right now?" Stella was a bit taken aback when she heard Gabby say that, and was actually a bit confused; I mean, they are best friends. Why wouldn't she be able to talk to her friend about this. "Gabby, it's me..." Gabby laughed. "It's Ms. Casey right now!" Stella was shocked. "Gabby..." Gabby just went to speak to Stella again. "I said that it's Ms. Casey!" Getting agitated, Gabby took a breath as this most certainly is not what she needs right now. But still, Stella was going to get it. "Okay, Ms. Casey. What's sup with you being all bitchy?" Gabby was shocked, and just shook her head. "Oh, I don't know. Just someone I thought was my friend sent me into premature labor!" Stella sighed.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now