To Disclose or Not Disclose (Kelly's PTSD) - Part 1

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Hi Readers: And welcome to a new day of chapters, one that is starting quite late if you couldn't tell; but I promise, I am going to make it worth your while by giving you nice LONG chapters (if I can). Chapters that are high quality, and filled with a bunch of things that you can only dream of including in a story. After all, we are almost three hundred and fifty chapters into this story; and we still have a lot left to go, because we can go many places. I have a lot of storylines that I can explore, including this latest one I started. And now, I am going to expand on it and see where it leads us; after all, who knows what can happen in the blink of an eye? Enjoy my dear readers.

"Can I ask you in which direction you're leaning?"

Taking a breath as he thought about which way he was leaning right now, when it came to whether or not he should disclose the fact that Kelly has PTSD to the fire department; Matt sighed due to the fact that this truly is a hard decision, as it puts him in a tough spot. A spot where he either has to disclose something that his friend isn't ready to disclose to the CFD yet, or doing something that could benefit the entire CFD, as well as the entire city of Chicago. Because as much as Matt knows that his friend knows how to cope with everything, he also knows that PTSD can strike at anytime; and that's the part that worries him the most. The fact that a PTSD situation can strike when you least expect it, and that means that it could easily happen in the middle of a fire. And that was really what Matt was thinking about at the moment, the fact that it could happen when you least expect it; and it can throw you off your game entirely.

Even though you get a bunch of training at the academy, and even more as you get experience in the field; there's one thing that you can never predict, and that's how you're going to react when you have PTSD during a hard situation. And that's the part that Matt is really struggling with, due to the fact that he did take an oath; an oath to the citizens of Chicago, to protect and serve the community. And while he is no longer a member of the CFD (with the exception of his honorary chiefdom)....and that was when he realized what he needed to do, due to the fact that he is being made an honorary chief. And that was why his answer seemed to start coming out easily, just as soon as he started to look at it that way. From the point of view of an honorary chief. "Well, I am going to think of it this way." Gabby was confused, as she didn't understand where Matt was going with this; after all, what way is he talking about.

"Okay, I'm confused and usure of just what you're talking about Casey."

Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before turning his head and kissing her forehead once more. "I'm going to think about it from the point of view of an honorary chief." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, as that made a lot of sense. "And from that point of view, I know that I would want to know how my Lieutenant is doing in his mental state; and whether he's going to be in the best shape to do his job." Gabby agreed with Matt, as they both knew that was the right decision in this situation; but there is something else that they need to worry about, and that would be how their best friends are going to react. "Okay, now we need to talk about this." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that. "And what would that be?" Gabby sighed as she laid her head down again, while continuing to cuddle up to the man she loves here on their couch. And even better, her actions led to Matt kissing her forehead.

And god, does she love it when he kisses her forehead; it's just so sweet, and a great way for him to show her that he loves her (something that she will never doubt). She knows that her husband loves her and will always love her and their children; and god, the way he loves their children is incredible. He is just the best father in the entire world, and that makes her love him so much; how his heart is so big, that not only can he love her with his whole heart...but he can also love their children with his whole heart. But now, she needs to talk to her husband; especially since he just tried to get her attention once more, as he ran his hand up and down her back. "Okay, you're being quiet gorgeous. Do you need to talk to me about something?" Turning her head, Gabby smiled. "No, I'm just thinking about what I need to say right now. And that would be that we need to talk about what you're going to do." Matt agreed.

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