Family Time: Conversations

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Hi Readers: I hope you guys liked the last chapter, and are ready for some more; still, I'd love to get some feedback on my chapters. And you can do that either through messages or in the comments, and I truly hope you do. But for now, let's get back to the story.

They decided to just take a minute to breathe in silence, as they cuddled up to each other in bed with nothing but the sheets on top of the both of them. And when Jay thinks about just how perfect this is, he can't help but smile due to the fact that this is exactly what the husband wants to do right now. He wants to hold the woman he loves close to him, as they both just relax with each other. And the truth was, this is what Alex wants to do right now as well. She wants to breathe, and she wants to relax with her dreamy husband. Because that's what Jay is, the man of her dreams and the love of her life. The man she's crazy for: her loving husband, and the father of her children. And when she says that Jay loves her, she means it; because Jay will literally do anything for her, up to and including burning bridges with her father (not that he was the one that burned the bridges). Rather, her father was the one that burned the bridges; because he overstepped his boundaries, and he did it all the time. Heck, she wonders if she even wants him here right now.

And that's where her head was right now, whether her father should even be here right now; because right now, it seems like her father hasn't learned his lesson. He's overstepping again, and he's just messing in her marriage, which goes against everything that she wanted in her life. She didn't want her father to be in between them, and that's exactly what he is right now; he's something that they need to talk about, and what they're going to do about him...ahead of their children's first Christmas. And that's something else that's on her mind, whether she even wants him to be there for Christmas. Because if he stays, she's just going to think about him and how he's always hurt her. And this event is something that's bringing back some memories of what he did to her and was making her shake as she cuddled up to Jay. "Hey, it's okay Alex. Take breath and just relax baby." Moving his hand to Alex's back, Jay ran his hand up and down her back. At the same time, Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, before taking a breath as she turned her head once more.

She then bent down and kissed his chest softly. "Thanks." Taking a breath, Jay looked at Alex and just couldn't help but think about what's been on his mind for a while, which is something that he already mentioned to Hank, but has yet to talk about with Alex. And that would be the signs of PTSD that he's starting to see coming out of his wife. "Baby, taking a breath and just relax for me." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that. "Alex, I want to talk right now. But only if you're okay, and you've been worrying me of late." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Yeah, I can see that you're getting worried about me." Jay agreed with his wife as she said that. "Alex, of course I'm worried about you..." Turning his head, Jay left another soft kiss on Alex's forehead. "And I will always worry about you, simply because you're my wife." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, before just holding her husband close. At the same time, Jay ran his fingers through her head and then whispered to her. "Do you want to start with it, and go slow?"

Alex agreed with Jay as he asked her whether she wanted to go slow right now, because that's exactly what she wants. She doesn't want to rush these conversations, and she wants to take things slow as they talk to each other. "I think I'd like that." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before running his fingers up and down her spine; because that's what she needs right now...for him to touch her a bit, but not too much. At the same time, he also needs to make sure that Alex takes it easy. "Before we start though, I want to just remind you that I love you." Looking up at Jay, Alex agreed with the man she loves. "I love you too Jay." Jay smiled as he looked at the woman he loves, before rubbing her back as they cuddled up to each other; at the same time, he bent down and proceeded to kiss her softly. "Alex, I need to be honest with you. And the truth is, I didn't want Hank to come to Christmas this year." Alex sighed as she heard Jay say that, before nodding as she cuddled up to him and ran her hand down his chest. "Alex, I'm not proud to admit that."

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