Arriving at the Office

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Hi Readers: And welcome to your daily update of The Caseys. I know that this update is coming really late in the day, and that means that I will not be able to get as many updates for Lost and Found out to you guys. But still, I felt it was my duty to ensure that I still got an update of The Caseys out to you; as that's something I will always do each and every day. Thanks again for reading and enjoy.

Casey Offices, Downtown Honolulu – They were a bit late arriving at the office today, but there was a reason for that; it wasn't due to the fact that they left the house late, as they ended up leaving right on time. Rather, it was due to the fact that there was a bunch of traffic on the way to the office from Jay and Alex's home. But now, they were here; and Jay was letting the rest of the team know that they were here right now, as they were currently on the phone with each other. "Yeah, I know. The traffic was a bit more than I expected on the highway, and I had to deal with some things at home. Had to turn around and take out the box of diapers that I forgot to take out of my truck yesterday." All of the fathers laughed as they heard Jay say that, having done that at some point.

"Well, I've for sure done that a couple times; and been yelled at by Jane for it."

And that was the truth, as every one of them have been yelled at by their wives; however, maybe they shouldn't advertise that, as there was somebody on the line who was quite offended by that. And that would be Ms. Gabriela Casey. "Rafael, did you really just say that? Last time I checked, I am friends with Jane, and I can easily text her right now!" Rafael sighed as he heard Gabby say that. "My apologies Gabby, please don't get me in trouble." Will laughed as he heard Raf say that, before shaking his head. "Wow, you guys are really scared of your wives." Turning his head, Jay looked at his brother. "And you aren't? Last time I checked, Natalie wore the pants in your marriage!" Will agreed with his brother, however there was a reason for that; and that was that she was pregnant.

"Do I need to remind you that my wife is pregnant with your nephew?"

Jay shook his head as he heard his brother say that, well aware that his brother's wife is pregnant with his nephew. "How's she feeling today Will? She doing better? I know she had a bit of morning sickness yesterday, and that her stomach was bothering her last shift." Will agreed with Gabby (whom was the one who asked him the question) when it came to whether Natalie was doing better, as she was thanks to the pills that she got. "We got some medicine for her, and she's doing better." Matt agreed with Will as he said that, glad that was the case. "I'm glad. Now, can we please just get back to the conversation at hand?" Rafael agreed. "Now, I want to make sure that we all know that the Severides will not be there, and Mr. Severide has decided to stay away." Matt agreed with his interim CEO.

"As much as I love Kelly as a brother, I think that's for the best fright now."

Concurring with her brother, Christie soon agreed. "I can't help but agree with you Matt, and I hope that you don't mind if I stop by at some point today." Matt agreed with his sister as she said that, as he would love to get a visit from his sister. "I love the idea of getting a visit Christie, come by after the Press Conference!" Gabby agreed with her husband, as she felt the same way. "I'd love it too. But please, can you text me when you're on your way; I might get you to grab some snacks for us on the way, as the Hospital has crap!" Will then proceeded to defend the hospital. "HEY! You aren't staying at a five-start hotel. Take what you can get, as we offer you quality care." Matt then went to speak to Will. "May I remind you that your paternity leave can change to a working leave."

Will got nervous as he heard Matt say that, well aware that was the case as it was in their contracts; they all agreed that if the company needs to have them work, they can be asked to change from a paternity leave to a work-from-home situation. And that was not exactly something that he wanted right when his son was born. "Of course, I promise to behave Mr. Casey." Matt agreed with Will as he said that, while also hating that he had to threaten his friend. "Sorry about that, I just need today to go perfectly; I can't have this get screwed up, as I don't want this to have to go for too long." Christie agreed with her brother, before giving him some reassurances that everything will be okay. "Matt, we're all here so that we can fix this problem; and we're going to do that, as a team."

Matt agreed with his sister as she said that, well aware that was the case. "And I hope that you guys all know just how much I really appreciate this. What you guys are doing means the world to me..." Gabby then added on to that. "To us, because we do not want to have to deal with this for too long." Christie agreed with her brother and sister-in-law as they said that. "And hopefully, we won't have to deal with this for too long after what we do for you guys today." Matt agreed with his sister as she said that, well aware that they were going to make a big impact on how things are. "How's Noah anyways?" Jay agreed with Christie, having forgot to ask about Noah. "Yeah, I forgot to ask. How is the little guy, he feeling better?" Matt and Gabby both agreed as they were asked about Noah.

"He's being monitored and is sleeping a bit more than usual, and he's actually taking a nap right now; but other than that, he'll be okay."

Everybody just felt relieved as they heard that Noah would be okay, as that was everything that they wanted to hear; well, that and another thing which Jay asked them about. "So, how long until Noah is released?" Gabby laughed. "We actually decided that he's going to stay with us, and that we're just going to all be here as a family ahead of Christmas. He was going to come here on Christmas with Matteo, but we want them here sooner; we've really missed the two of them." Matt concurred with Gabby. "Plus, we need to get used to the whole four kids situation." Everybody agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I'm glad that everything is going better, and I promise to check on you guys tomorrow." Matt and Gabby agreed with Will as he said that.

"Actually, Natalie is going to be coming to check on him when the press conference starts; that way, we can all watch it together. And yes, me and Matt are going to watch the press conference."

Everybody agreed with Gabby as she said that, not that they expected anything other than having him watch from the hospital; and that was exactly what Jay decided to tell them this morning. "I think we all already knew that Matt and Gabby. We both knew that you were going to watch. Now listen, we might loose service in the garage as we're pulling up; so we'll let you go so that we can get upstairs." Matt and Gabby agreed. "Okay, bye Jay and Will." Ending the call on the steering wheel, Jay took a breath as he drove up to the garage; after which, he went to grab his pass so that he could get in. "You thinking of when Michael and Olivia were in the hospital?" Turning his head as Will asked him whether he was thinking of when Michael and Olivia were in the hospital, Jay sighed.

After all, that was exactly what he was thinking about as he watched the gate to the hospital parking garage open; after which, he started to drive in while answering his brother's question. "I mean, how can I not think about it Will? I hate to say this, but I need to go to my doctor soon. My PTSD is starting to get bad from that time." Will agreed with Jay as he said that, before taking a breath. "Have you told Alex that your PTSD is back from that time?" Jay shook his head as he's yet to tell Alex about the fact that his PTSD from that time is back. "I don't want to worry her, not when I know that she's got to have some of the same PTSD as me." Will sighed. "Jay, you need to talk to your wife; we both know that it's the right thing to do, unless you want to get in trouble with her." Jay sighed.

"I just don't want her to think that this is going to be normal, and that I am going to go all protective again."

Will snickered. "Jay, I don't think that Alex would mind if you went all protective on her again; rather, I think she would understand base don the situation that the both of you find yourselves in. I mean, isn't Alex feeling the same way about all the memories that this is bringing up for the both of you?" Jay sighed and agreed with his brother, as it most certainly is. "It is, and we are going to really have to talk about them; might even do that this afternoon when I'm home with her, and the kids are taking a nap." Will agreed with his brother, as he thought that was a wise thing to do based on the situation that he and Alex find themselves in. "Jay, you need to talk to her; or you need to talk to somebody, then you can get some help." Jay sighed and agreed with his brother once more.

After all, that was exactly what he needed to do; he needed to talk to someone, so that he can get help with what's bothering him. "Has Max been alerting you to it? And waking you up?" Jay sighed, before agreeing. "If you're asking if it's part of my night PTSD, then the answer would be yes." Will agreed with Jay, before moving his hand to his arm and rubbing it. "Then I have a feeling that Alex already knows about it, based on the fact that Max only does it when you have PTSD." Jay took a breath, while agreeing with his brother; after all, there was no way that Alex couldn't know about it. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't have to talk to her about it, as he most certainly does. "I promise, I'll talk to her about it later." Will agreed with his brother as he said that, as he needed to.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now