Jacobs Beach Day, Part 1

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Hi Readers: Sorry again for the delay in another chapter. Like I said, really lazy and just not into writing today. Plus, it's Canada Day today here in Canada; and it's a holiday, so maybe my head is in holiday mode. But I hope that I get this one out to you, a staff chapter.

He knew the way to the beach like it was his own home; after all, he and Bella have gone there countless times in the past couple weeks since they've found themselves having more time together. Time where they can relax, and just take it easy as their work has been drying up; and that's probably due to the fact that the relationship between their bosses has chilled a bit, and that means that they are not at all interested in speaking to each other. That, and Matt and Gabby are in the hospital, which means that they only have one leader (Stella), who just so happens to be suspended. So right now, they do not have a leader; and they are just figuring things out as they go, just like what Mario and Bella do on a daily basis when it comes to what they want to do here in Honolulu (and Hawaii).

Plus, they are still on their honeymoon phase of married life; the couple having only gotten married a month and three days earlier, as their anniversary is on the ninth of November. And boy has the past month been amazing, especially for their sex life; because Bella has been all over him, since the day they got married. But now, things have calmed down and they are just taking it easy with each other; because that's what they need to do as things are going to get busy at work again, Mario can just see that being the case. But one thing he also hopes, is that he and Bella start talking on the way to the beach; as things are currently very awkward and quiet here in the car, as they sit in silence without the radio even being on as they made their way to the beach this afternoon.

"You know, you can talk to me rather than just keeping your thoughts in your mind."

Turning her head as she heard her husband speak to her this morning, Bella smiled as she knew that was the case; especially since Mario is such a great listener, and just an amazing husband in general. She just wishes that she would finally get pregnant, because she wants to make him a father so bad. "What do you have on your mind baby? Talk to me, as we drive to the beach." Bella sighed as her husband asked her what was on her mind, before turning to face him as he drove them to the beach in their pickup. "I'm just thinking about Matt and Gabby, and what they're going through right now with their kids. I know that I shouldn't think about that but..." Mario sighed as he heard Bella say that, well aware that his wife has a big heart. "It's that damn big heart of yours." Bella snickered, nodding.

"Oh, you know me too well Mario."

Mario agreed with his wife as she said that, as they've known each other for a long time. "Yeah, because we've known each other for years; which is why I can read you better than anybody Bella, and I can tell when you have things on your mind." Bella agreed with Mario as he said that, as she most certainly does have stuff on her mind. "I guess I do." Mario agreed with Bella. "I know you're thinking about Mr. and Ms. Casey, and I know that you're worried about them; I mean, I am too." Bella was a bit shocked as she heard her husband say that, because he's not normally one to feel things like that. "Really?" Mario agreed with Bella as she asked him whether he's worrying about Mr. and Ms. Casey. "Of course I am, I mean; I guess I just hate what their life has become."

Bella agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that he didn't want this for either of them. "And do you feel like you need to talk about it?" Mario sighed as Bella asked him that, before reaching out for her hand; after which, he intertwined their fingers. "Not that I really want to talk about anything other than things that are related to my beautiful wife here." Bella smiled as she heard Mario say that, before blushing as he really is a great man. "God, you really are trying to sweet talk me into something; aren't you?" Mario smirked. "Well, I would like to try for a baby again tonight." Taking a breath, Bella agreed with her husband even though she was a bit nervous when it comes to it. "I still don't understand why it's so hard for us to get pregnant, when it's easy for others." Mario agreed.

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