Home Sweet Home, Part One

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Hi Readers: Before we begin, I want to apologize for a couple things. First, I want to apologize for starting so late. I got distracted, and I ended up doing some things that weren't that productive (other than applying to some jobs). But now, I want to address something that you all  may have seen. And those are the chapters that have most recently disappeared. Now, I am not ending this story; however, I have decided to switch how things go in the future. One of those things being the whole Antonio-Sylvie storyline that I was thinking of starting. I have instead decided not to pursue it, but I am going to pursue other stories. Thanks again for reading.

Casey Home, Honolulu – They decided to do it much earlier than they originally planned on purpose. In fact, Gabby was barely awake at the moment; and that was due to the fact that it was currently 5:30 in the morning. And let's just say that Gabby is starting to wonder whether this really was a good idea, due to the fact that the boys were still asleep; and that was why Gabby just turned her head to look at her husband. "Remind me who's brilliant idea it was to leave the hospital at 5 am?" Matt snickered as he heard Gabby say that, while moving to look up in the mirror at his precious daughters: Bella and Sofia Casey. And boy were they precious, and very adorable. "Last time I checked, you agreed to this the night before; because we both knew we'd be up at five anyways." Gabby agreed.

Because that's been the case for the past little while, they've woken up at five due to the stress that they've been dealing with; and no, not stress related to work or anything. But rather, it was due to the new reality that they find themselves living in; a reality that finds themselves having to balance a lot: four kids, a business, and a health crisis. Yes, you've heard that right; there is now a health crisis, unrelated to what they had to deal with in the hospital. And that health crisis has a name. And it's name is COVID-19. But they still don't know much about it, even though Gabby has been clamoring to read on her iPad. "I'm just glad we left before the rush." Matt sighed. "There may be another reason why I left early." Gabby agreed as she turned her head and looked at her husband.

After all, she was confused by the statement that he just made. "And what might be that?" Matt sighed. "The Governor of Hawaii just signed an order that closed the daycares." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware of what that meant. "Oh..." Matt agreed. "And with the boys now being ten months, your mom has needed some extra hands at the house; and I am needed back at the office, and I am not going to hear anything against it." Gabby sighed as she turned her head and looked at her husband. "I hope you mean from home." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as he most certainly was not going to be working from anywhere else. "Gabby! Are you kidding me? Our daughters just spent the past three months in hospital!" Gabby agreed with Matt.

But at the same time, Matt knew that he couldn't yell at her like that; he's just under a lot of stress and hasn't found a way to vent it yet. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you Gabby. I just..." Moving to grab her husband's hand, Gabby stroked it with her thumb and just held it for a moment. "I know, you have a lot of stress on your mind; and this is a lot to handle all at once." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before taking a breath. "Add in the fact that my mother and sister are currently living together in the house next door." Gabby looked at Matt as he said that. "Really?" Matt nodded. "Yeah, so you can already expect them to be over a lot; I already agreed with them that they can be in a bubble, so that they can always come over and help us." Gabby agreed.

But at the same time, she could tell that there's something else on his mind, which would be something related to his paternity leave, or lack thereof. "Okay, I am going to just ask you this Matt; and you can be honest with me, okay?" Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, before taking a breath as he listened to her question. "When it comes to a paternity leave, are you going to be taking one for the girls?" Taking a breath, Matt sighed as he really isn't there yet. "Listen Gabby, it's five in the morning. Like I said, I have a lot on my mind; and right now, as much as I want to talk...I have one goal. Right now, that goal is to get you and the girls home and settled. And I don't care if you've already been recovering for three months in the hospital, you are going to take it easy." Gabby agreed, nodding.

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