Stronger, Part 1

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Hi Readers: Hope you liked the quick glimpse at the Halstead's Life right now, but now it's time for us to go back to the Hospital so that we can see how Matt's appointment went. Hope you guys like this chapter.

He was thankful that it didn't take him long to get new medication, as he really needed it; but now, he was back and ready to talk to Gabby about it over breakfast. Because if he knew anything, it was that Gabby was going to want to talk about the fact that he went to the doctor without telling her. But first, he had to do something else; and that would be to say good morning to his little boy who just crawled out of his and Gabby's bedroom. "Hey, Matteo. Get back here!" However, Matteo was not going back to the bedroom yet; especially not when Matt was loving the sight of his little guy crawling over to him, which must mean that he missed him. "It's okay Gabby, he's crawling out here because of me." Hearing her husband's voice this morning, Gabby felt so relieved. "Okay."

After which, Matt smiled as he went to set his medicine down on the counter and bent down to look at Matteo. "Morning buddy, you want to come say hi to daddy?" Crawling over to Matt, Matteo let out a big smile as he was happy to have him home; after which, Matt crouched down and put his hands out as a way to get him close to him. But at the same time, he also knew that he had to do something else, which was another reason why he crouched down, and that was to take Andy's leach off...especially when he was standing right next to him. "Okay, I know you first buddy." Confused as she heard her husband say that, Gabby yelled out. "Matt, who are you talking to?" Matt snickered. "Andy, he walked up right next to me to get his leach off." And that's exactly what Matt soon did.

He grabbed Andy's leach and unclipped it from his collar so that it was no longer attached to him. Slapping his ass shortly afterwards, Matt smiled. "Go lay down boy, and just take it easy." Andy agreed with Matt, before walking away so that he could go take a sip of water; meanwhile, Matt put his hands out and looked at Matteo until he was right in front of him. And let's just say that Matt still loves the sight of his son crawling, because it's the best sight in the world; the sight of his son growing in front of his eyes and doing things that they didn't expect him to do for a while. But now, Matt was no longer watching his son crawl; rather, he just picked him up in his arms. Turning his head, Matt smiled as he kissed his cheek and looked at him. "Someone's growing way too fast for us." Matteo smiled.

After which, he cuddled up to Matt just like they both wanted him to do; meanwhile, Matt wrapped both of his arms around him and rubbed his back with his hand. Kissing his forehead afterwards, Matt smiled as he just held his son close to him as it was the best feeling in the entire world. The feeling of his son cuddling up to him, as they spend time with each other here in the hospital room. "Somebody missed daddy this morning, didn't they?" Kissing his forehead once more, Matt smiled as he held his son close to him; after which, he proceeded to grab his medicine once more so that he could bring it into the bathroom. But first, he had to make his way into the bedroom where his gorgeous wife and his three other children were. Well, them, and Natalie as well. "Oh, hey Nat."

And that's when Matt thought of something. "Oh shit, did something happen while I was gone?" Looking up at her husband, Gabby shook her head as everything is okay. "No, no. Baby, Natalie just has to do this every day; remember?" Taking a breath, Matt agreed as he knew that was the case. "Sorry, I guess I'm just a bit more cautious right now." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case; at the same time, she also knew that he was a bit more than cautious. Rather, he was a bit overprotective. But that's okay, as she finds it quite attractive. The way he's so overprotective, because she loves it when he protects her; he's an expert at it, and she's very proud to call him her husband. "I'm just glad that you're back, and is that a donut or something for me?"

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