Happy Birthday Daddy: How's Diego? - Part 2

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Making his way back upstairs after bringing his and Gabby's plates downstairs, Matt smiled as he looked at his handsome sons as they played in their play pen; and even better, they're playing nice with each other. And that's something that always makes Matt smile, his sons playing nice with each other. So, he's going to tell his sons that; but first, he bent down and looked at his sons. "Hey little guys, thanks for playing nice with each other." Turning her head, Gabby smiled as she was really happy right now. "Now, if that isn't an adorable sight." Turning his head, Matt smiled and agreed with his wife as that was something that he loved the sound of...his wife complimenting him when it came to their children. And he wanted to show her that, by giving her something that he knows she wants right now, a sweet kiss from her birthday boy husband. And he most certainly can't wait to give her a kiss, as he loves to kiss her.

Smiling at Gabby as he walked up to her side of the bed, Matt smiled as he moved his hand to the side of her face and leaned over her so that he could kiss her softly. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt, as she loves him too. "I love you too." Smiling at Gabby, Matt gave her another kiss before standing up and adjusting his boxers. He then proceeded to make his way over to his side of the bed, so that he can get back in bed with his girls. "So, where were we right now?" Gabby smiled as she looked up at her husband. "Antonio is talking to me about whether I have anything that I can give to Eva to do, related to Casey Creations." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, before laughing. "I think we should wait a bit." Gabby was confused as she heard her husband say that, as was Antonio. "And why would that be the case?" Matt sighed as he grabbed Bella again, while also getting in bed with his family right now.

"Well, we are getting close to April and..."

Antonio then realized what he was talking about. "Ah, now I get it. You want her to concentrate on her exams. The ones that she has to finish for school. God, I am so glad that we were able to transfer her to the University of Illinois at Chicago's Online School in the middle of the term. So much easier to have her at the hometown school. I just hope you know that she's not transferring again." Matt laughed, as he knew that was the case. "Oh, I am not going to let her transfer. I already had to change where I am paying. First, it was UCLA; then it was the University of Hawaii, and now it's the University of Illinois at Chicago." Antonio agreed with his brother as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Just to let you know, I found Eva a place where she can get free textbooks in eBook format. So, she's going to do that." Matt agreed with Antonio as he said that, glad that was the case as it'll make things a lot easier for her.

"I think that's for the best, as it means that she's safe at home."

Antonio agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I promise that I'm going to keep you in the loop when it comes to the schooling situation, and I'm just glad that we're doing this." Matt agreed with Antonio as he said that, as that was something that he wanted. "Thanks Antonio, I do want that." Antonio snickered. "One of four years completed. Class of 2024." Matt agreed with him. "Is she going to do summer school?" Antonio thought about it. "We'll see. Maybe she can if things are still bad in the summer, rather than just have her sitting around in her room in the middle of summer." Matt agreed with Antonio, as he thought that was a good idea. "I think that would be a good idea, but don't force her." Antonio agreed with his brother-in-law as he said that, not that he can really force her. "Well, I think we both know that we can't force Dawson women to do anything." Gabby laughed.

After all, that most certainly is the truth; nobody can ever force the Dawson women to do anything, due to the fact that she is one of them. Turning her head, Gabby smiled as she looked at the man she loves. "Sorry baby. As much as I love you, and I love my new last name; I'm still a Dawson at heart." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, well aware that she's a Dawson at heart. "As long as you're my Ms. Casey in public, then I am more than okay with you being Ms. Gabriela Dawson at heart." Gabby agreed with Matt, before reaching over and putting her hand on his neck; after which, she kissed him softly and took things nice and slow with the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "I love you." Matt agreed with his wife, well aware that was the case. Of course, he knows that Gabby loves him, as he feels the same way about his gorgeous wife; and the mother of his children.

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