Nap Time, Mommy-Daddy Time - Part One

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Well, if that wasn't a nice chapter. Finally, it brought us back to what Matt's career is; more specifically, his career now is being a CEO. And that's exactly how he just acted, as a CEO; but now, it's time for him to return to his favorite job as papa-daddy and a husband.

He probably should've looked at the clock to really realize what Gabby really wanted from him, because it most certainly was not help feeding the girls; not when she's standing at the end of their bed wearing that, while he came out of his closet wearing nothing put his tight boxers. "So, I can only assume based on the fact that they're still fast asleep in their cribs, that our daughters don't really need feeding?" Shaking her head, Gabby smiled as she looked at the man she loves as he walked up to her; after all, that's exactly what they both want. They both want him to walk up to her and move his hands to her body once more. "I think we both know the real reason why I really want you in here." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, while smiling as he made his way over to her.

After which, he moved his hands to her hips and brought her close to his chest. "Does it have anything to do with the way I'm holding you right now?" Smirking, Gabby put her hands on his muscular chest as she held him close to her; after all, it most certainly does. She then proceeded to run her hands up his chest and leaned in to kiss him softly. "I know you want to work but..." Shaking his head, Matt got close to Gabby and wrapped her arms around him. "Hey, no. Not yet. It's okay, I want to be here too." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, while wrapping her arms around his back. "I may have asked our moms to just take it easy and maybe hang out in the guest house for a bit." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, because that most certainly is something that he likes the sound of.

"Is there a reason why you asked our moms to stay in the guest house?"

Gabby smirked as she moved away from her husband, while also grabbing his hand; after which, she led him towards their bed where she wants to be with him right now. And while she was with him in the pool, she just wants to cuddle up to him in a comfortable bed; and that's due to the fact that her back is really hurting her, which is why she's going to need some help. "Okay, I am really actually starting to regret something, which is another reason why I need you here." Walking up to Gabby next to their bed, Matt grabbed her hand and just looked at her puzzled; after all, he had no idea just what she was even talking about. "And what might that be?" Gabby smiled as she looked at Matt. "I put a bra on, but I regret it now." Matt agreed with Gabby, while stepping close to her today.

After which, he put one of his hands on her hip to bring her body against his chest; meanwhile, he also put one of his hands on her neck to keep her body against his chest. And let's just say that's exactly where Gabby wanted to be, right against her husband's muscular chest; but at the same time, she also wanted to be kissing him. And that was why she just put her hands on his chest and leaned up to kiss him softly. "I love you, and I am so glad that you're done work." Matt agreed with Gabby. "Honestly, I am not going to work much right now; because I am on paternity leave and trying to get time with you and the kids. I haven't done that much." Taking a breath, Matt sighed as he stepped close to Gabby. "In fact, I ended up doing it again." Gabby was confused as Matt said that.

"What are you talking about baby?"

Moving to sit down on the side of the bed, Matt let out a sigh; while at the same time, he put his hands out to try and get Gabby to sit down in his lap. And luckily, she got the message and did just that; after which, she put her hands on the top of his chest and stared into those beautiful eyes that she loves. Meanwhile, Matt looked up at her and kissed her softly. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "I love you too." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before going to grab her shirt; after which, he started to take it off as he wanted it to be on the ground. Then, he would explain to her what he means; or actually, he would do it while he takes off her shirt. "Baby, talk to me. What are you talking about?" Matt sighed as he looked up at the woman he loves.

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