Our Family jewels

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She stood nervously outside the restaurant. She was overly punctual, as always. Why her father wanted to have a family meal now of all times. It was incomprehensible to her.

It was a rainy evening. Autumn looked up and down the street. There was still no one in sight. She played nervously with her phone. And looked again at what time it was.

Finally she rummaged through her bag. There she found a packet of cigarettes. She hated this habit. Even though she had already kicked it for the most part. But there were moments when she got weak. Like right now.

So she took one of the cigarettes out of the packet, put it in her mouth and looked for a lighter.

After the first puff, she realised that she seemed to be calming down. And another glance at the clock. A message from Winter appeared on her display. "Thinking of you darling." She smiled slightly.

"I'd put this out before Dad shows up..."

She looked startled. Her brother stood in front of her.

"Hello big brother."

Reece raised an eyebrow. Autumn took one last drag and dropped the cigarette. She exhaled the smoke in Reece's direction. He took a slight step back to avoid it.
"Since when do you smoke?" he asked cautiously.
"I don't," she replied quickly, adopting a defensive stance.

Reece didn't want to ask any more questions. When a car stopped right in front of them.

Roger got out and so did Siobhan.

Reece breathed loudly. "Great..." - "It's going to be a great evening," said Autumn sarcastically.

Silence reigned at the table. Glances were exchanged between each other. Especially between the siblings. The two sat opposite to each other.

Roger cleared his throat: "I've invited you all here to discuss a few things."

"What else is there to say?" his daughter asked.

Siobhan gave her a dark look.

"Well, I think after everything that's happened. It's time for me to resign."

"Great idea, Dad." said Reece.

Autumn reached for her wine glass and took a large sip. Her brother kicked  her leg lightly.

Siobhan ran her fingers through her hair. "Your father and I have come to the decision. That it would be best for everyone if I took over."

"WHAT!" Came from the direction of the siblings.

"You can't be serious!" said Reece.

Autumn reached for her glass again, this time to empty it.

"Reece! Autumn! You are my children. But that doesn't automatically mean that you'll get what I've built! You two aren't ready to take on that kind of responsibility!" said there father sternly.

"But this tick is? Father, do you have any idea what she has already done to everyone in the nursery?" said Autumn.

"Enough! That's my final decision!" shouted Roger.

Reece rolled his eyes. "So nothing will change? You'll still be the indirect owner. I don't have to put up with this any longer." With that, he stood up.

"We'll also see if this really is the final decision! The board of directors still has to vote!" After this sentence, Autumn also stood up and walked straight out of the restaurant.
Her brother stayed behind for a moment.

"It was really nice to see you again, Dad." With that, Reece also left.

When he stepped out of the restaurant, he kept an eye out for his sister.

Autumn had already walked a long way down the street.

He hurried after her. The rain had become heavier.

"Aut! Wait!"

He had difficulty catching up with her.

Only when they reached a bus stop did she come to a halt. She sat down on the bench.

Reece finally caught up with her, completely out of breath, and dropped down beside her.

"I want him out of my life at last..." She said quietly.

Reece looked over at her. Her gaze was fixed forwards.

"Me too .... Sometimes I regret asking him for a job."

Autumn's expression changed slightly. "Why did you do that, anyway?"

Reece shifted nervously on the bench. "Well... After I broke up with Mia. I finally wanted to get away from her. Away from everyone. And I wanted to finally see you again. To try and make up." He stopped briefly, waiting for an answer. When he didn't get one, he continued. ,, and it worked. I've got my sister back. And now a woman I love more than anything. Now we just have to get rid of Dad. And you? Why did you ask him? Marjorie told me that this is your first real job. What did you do before?"

"What haven't I done?" she replied. And with that she looked in his direction.

"After I moved out, I wanted to be free. I worked a bit here and there. I partied, drank, took every drug you can think of. I slept with anyone I wanted to, whether man or woman, single or married. I just wanted to break out of the cage my father had built."

"What changed that you finally came back?" Reece asked.

Autumn picked up her bag and took out the packet of cigarettes. She took one and held the packet out to her brother. Hesitantly, he took one too.

Autumn first lit hers and then passed the lighter to him.

"One morning I woke up in a strange bed again. I had no memory of what had happened the night before. When I finally made it to the bathroom and threw up in the bath, I looked in the mirror.... What I saw there terrified me." She stopped and took a drag.

Reece wanted to say something, but the words had left him.

"I looked like a walking corpse. As if I'd aged ten years in one night. And the worst thing. That man from the night before. Had apparently tried to kill me." Her hand went to her neck. "The bruise on my neck... That I woke up at all. In that moment, I knew I had to change something. Or I would be dead in a week."

Tears had formed in her eyes.

"I'm glad you've found your way again," Reece said carefully.

Autumn nodded slightly.

And so the two of them sat there, smoking next to each other without saying another word. Both glad that after all they had been through. That they had made it back to each other after all.

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