A Strike on Love Part II

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As the Knight Siblings enter the police station, they could already hear Mia's angry voice.

"Child endangered! Char would never do something like this!"

"Miss Roberts, calm down!" said the policeman behind the counter sternly.

"Calm down! My girlfriend is behind bars on false charges!"

Reece stood next to Mia and pulled her away from the counter. "You can't help Char if you're in prison too," he said to her calmly.

Autumn now leaned on the registration desk. " My name is Autumn Fortune-Knight, Mrs Lancaster is one of my employees. Miss Van Gould is also here to my knowledge."

The policeman looked at Autumn sceptically. "Fortune-Knight? We were just about to get in touch with you. Your husband is here too."

'Of course,' thought Autumn. "And what are the charges against him?"

"Theft. We received an anonymous tip that he stole funds from the Knigh Nursery."

" Let me guess. All the allegations were sent anonymously," Autumn said coldly.

The policeman nodded.

"Why is Marjorie here?"asked Reece, still holding Mia back.

"Fraud. She reported damage to the insurance company. Although the items in question weren't damaged, so she collected the money. "

" Nursery items?" asked Reece.

"Exactly," said the policeman.

" You don't believe that shit! Someone accused Char of putting children in danger!" shouted Mia angrily.

"Thank you," Autumn said to the police officers.

Reece had to pull Mia out of the building, the redhead was this close to jump in the policemen's faces behind the counter.

"That was Father," Autumn spoke first.

The three of them were standing in front of the praesidium.

"Of course it was Roger! That wretched rat!" shouted Mia.

" But why? What good does it do him to put three of his employees in prison?" asked Reece.

Autumn rummaged in her bag and took out a packet of cigarettes. Even though she hated this habit. She really needed one now. She had to keep a cool head, after all.

"We'll have to wait until O'Brian turns up," she said, blowing the smoke out.

Michael O'Brian was Autumn's lawyer. Who had always helped her in the past when she was confronted with the law.

Siobhan felt uncomfortable, like she was sitting between two predators.

Janice relaxed with her coffee. " I have to say Roger. Letting your children's partners go to prison is cruel, even by your standards."

" Marjorie has always been a thorn in my side, and Winter is just a cheeky man, who needed to be put in his place. Besides, they're not the right ones for my children!"

" And what does Charlotte have to do with all this?" Siobhan dared to speak.

Roger grinned grimly. "I just had to take revenge on Mia, and what was the best way to do it? You take away what she loves most. I know the Sergeant. We play golf together. If the accusations aren't enough. Then I'll just give him some money. But I can promise you one thing, those three won't be seeing the light of day any time soon."

Janice laughed lightly. Siobhan, on the other hand, looked at him in shock. She had to do something, even if it could be dangerous for her.

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